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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by Miriam on 2007-02-14 22:53:31 +0000

Time Out and Time Off

After working from 9am-10pm last night, and working for the last 3 weeks straight, I decided to take the morning off...and my grandparents out for lunch.

Spent a lazy morning in my bathrobe, watching the Gilmore Girls, then met my grandparents at a little, local, sandwich shop that was super busy. We caught up a little, then after we finished eating, Grandma pulled out the letter Papa wrote her for Valentine's Day. He's written on each of the 65 years of their marriage.

The letter was SO beautiful. He began it "To my dearest companion." Amazing. I cried.

Feeling really lucky to be where I am for the moment, with my family, who I have neglected for a lot of years.

Find me on github.