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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by G lib on 2004-08-31 14:40:23 +0000

Defective Yeti on libraries

Have all the crazies come out today? This has been similar to my morning: _________________________________ From the Defective Yeti July 27, 2004 [url]http://www.defectiveyeti.com/archives/cat_favorite_posts.html[/url] Rabid 'Bout Reading Waiting for a bus in downtown Seattle, I see a disheveled and possibly deranged man with an enormous duffle bag sidling down the sidewalk, stopping to bellow "Are you going to the library?!" at each and every person in turn. Most ignore him until he moves on, but some -- out of compulsive politeness, or because they have somehow mistaken this raving for a sincere query -- begin to reply "No, I'm waiting for my --" at which point the man cuts them short with an impassioned and spittle-intensive "GO TO THE LIBRARY!!!" I dunno. Call me cynical, but I just don't think Seattle's literacy program is all that effective.

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