Luckily no one was hurt. How come this doesn't get more coverage?
Posted by on 2004-08-31 17:53:21 +0000
Maybe because of Laura Bush's stance on research?
Posted by on 2004-08-31 19:08:32 +0000
<sarcasm>G.W. lets the little woman have an opinion? That's a notch lower in my book.</sarcasm>
Actually, the conventional wisdom is that Laura is the one who got G.W. on the wagon, it wasn't a Bible induced conversion.
Posted by on 2004-08-31 19:27:30 +0000
Cheney recently spoke out in support of civil unions because he has a gay daughter. In my opinion, this doesn't mean he's less of an evil, scary man.
Recently Dubs has actually letting some of his staffers have differing opions than the party line recently. I don't think it's 'dissention in the ranks', I think it's a ploy to bring back the Log Cabiners and the Fiscal Conservatives back into the party
(a party that actually is being run by the Christian right and their one-issue politics)
Posted by on 2004-08-31 20:36:46 +0000
Why isn't this getting more coverage?
PS-Good article on Cheney in the new Rolling Stone.
Posted by on 2004-09-01 05:01:24 +0000
I saw Laura on CNN with Larry King talking mad shit re: cell stem research.
Actually, the conventional wisdom is that Laura is the one who got G.W. on the wagon, it wasn't a Bible induced conversion.
Cheney recently spoke out in support of civil unions because he has a gay daughter. In my opinion, this doesn't mean he's less of an evil, scary man.
Recently Dubs has actually letting some of his staffers have differing opions than the party line recently. I don't think it's 'dissention in the ranks', I think it's a ploy to bring back the Log Cabiners and the Fiscal Conservatives back into the party
(a party that actually is being run by the Christian right and their one-issue politics)
PS-Good article on Cheney in the new Rolling Stone.