an extended jaunt to the colonies
right! i have had enough of this shitty job, overexpensive depressing city and my current life in general.
I get paid on friday, going to pull a sicky monday and tuesday, come it at lunchtime on wednesday hand in my resignation and retire to the pub to scream libelous bile about my boss to all and sundry.
expect to see me (and my extensive bicycle collection) in Boston 2nd week of March to get installed as the missing link in H3W
I do believe a wicked pissah mega kega could be in order
I will also be needing a job, if anyone has a good idea please email me
as the old eskimo proverb says "if you aint the lead dog then the view never changes"
Just tell me when to show up.
Eleven dollar entrees. Eight dollar martinis.
<a href="">Oops</a>. Guess I'm not going tonight.
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