hast tha got owt for nowt pet?
So as I am moving over in about a fortnight, im thinking about furnishing the love shack.
Off the top of my head (and without really seeing the room) I reckon I need:
Bed & Matress - queen sized
Bedside table
Reading light
Bookcases - one or two bigish ones to start with
Desk - dont like "computer" desks - just a normal wooden desk/table
20"+ LCD monitor & decent keyboard
A rug or two
I normally shop for furniture at "Pikea" (Ikea for pikeys - i.e. dumpster diving) but I have heard that all the dirty students in Boston have given you a furniture AIDS epidemic.
Is craigslist and/or the suburbs safeish or am i going to have to drop the money on new?
If anyone has stuff to sell im buying and please keep an eye out if you see or know anyone with loot to get rid of
I got a new foam mattress 3 years ago from Sybill at the "Foam Rubber Discount Center" just a few blocks from your new digs. Recommended.
Too bad it's not later in the year. In Boston, almost everyone's lease expires on Sep 1. It's a fall tradition: in the afternoon, watch a over-height U-Haul smash into one of the Storrow Drive bridges, then pick through others' trash at night.
You can eat lunch there for like $3 USD each, the kid loves it , has plenty of run around room and you can get semi good furniture for cheap.
Whats not to like?
It should be a 3 Wadsworth theme night.
I hate to blow holes in your story, T, but if you recall back in 1996/7 we picked a box spring from the side of the road for me to sleep on when I was staying with you. It was much better than the previous pile of blankets on the floor I had been using for a 'nest.'
Don't be fooled by Trouser Press, ladies and gentlemen-- here is a man with the veneer of a dandy masking a pile of kitchy, bizarre, shiny, gutterpunk Pikea.
(which is exactly why we're friends, BTW)
"Making the yellow pages." Awesome.