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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by tgl on 2004-03-18 20:09:33 +0000

better than literature

Anyone notice how spam has gotten to be fairly literate lately? I think they use it to spoil the filters. I think I may have read something to that effect in the Globe. Case in point below, int the "forwarded" section. Actually, maybe it's not that good.


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-----original message-----
From: alva@wl.com [mailto:marquis@o.com]
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2004 5:22AM
To: johnette; lorraine@rp.com; coreen; ling; debera
Subject: Post office 1200 Orange stad Ar u ba

Why, I've stood for months by Edison's elbow, hoping and longing for him to
touch the Master Key; but I can see plainly he will never accomplish it Then
there's Tesla, said the boy The Demon laughed There is Tesla, to be sure, he
said But what of him? Why, he's discovered a powerful light, the Demon gave an
amused chuckle, and he's in communication with the people in Mars What people?
Why, the people who live there

Posted by on 2004-03-19 07:57:33 +0000
Pretty crazy stuff, Terry G.

Posted by on 2004-03-19 16:30:13 +0000
Don't get too close to me I'm close to the ledge, I'm trying not to lose my edge. Uh-huh, huh, huh.

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