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Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 14:05:07 +0000

Vote Sanjaya

Apologies to Quigley / Voss - I have found a new voting fantasy and his (its?) name is Sanjaya. There is a conspiracy afoot to ensure Sanjaya is the next victor of American Idol. We will not rest until this comes to pass!

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:13:23 +0000
It's spreading!

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-19 16:17:10 +0000
the real conspiracy is to get everyone on the planet to watch 'Idol.' Du, you are a fucking SLAVE.

Posted by theduane on 2007-03-19 16:20:07 +0000

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-03-19 16:20:21 +0000
Hear here. Waste of time AND it's on Fox.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:20:21 +0000
Whatever, man. You're just as interested in pop culture (if not more) than I am.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-03-19 16:21:43 +0000
Which is why I don't pay attention to 'Idol'.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:21:48 +0000

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-19 16:22:08 +0000

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:22:21 +0000
you're on Fox...

Posted by theduane on 2007-03-19 16:25:03 +0000

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-19 16:25:51 +0000
Hey Du, somehow theduane hacked your account.

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-19 16:28:00 +0000

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:29:31 +0000

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:31:21 +0000
Like arguing about whether to have 10 or 12 fictional people on a fictional baseball team is a productive use of time. Why do you get to determine which diversions are worthy and which are not?

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-19 16:32:36 +0000
Please. I've been so busy with TOP CHEF and Rosie o'Donnell that I don't have time for Survivor any more!

Posted by G lib on 2007-03-19 16:36:13 +0000
I occasionally watch AI. It is a waste of time, but so is most TV, IMHO (and I watch a lot, at the moment) As for that guy-- I saw him, and I didn't like him-- he just wasn't very good. However, I laughed out loud after Simon heard him sing and his comment was something to the effect of "You weren't that good, AND you stole Paula's haircut! Did you think that was going to help you win?" It was true! He totally had stolen Paula's haircut!

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-19 16:33:05 +0000
You're only a racist if you're on the bottom.

Posted by theduane on 2007-03-19 16:33:29 +0000

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:35:36 +0000
I liked Rosie when she was more outspoken than she is now. You just cant trust her confidence to espouse her own views anymore. Nope, until the Sopranos and The Wire return, Sanjaya works just fine for me. Assholes.

Posted by theduane on 2007-03-19 16:35:41 +0000

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-03-19 16:36:46 +0000
Are you confusing me with someone else? Arguing about how many people to play fantasy baseball _is_ a waste of time, which is why I haven't. Everyone gets to 'determine which diversions are worthy and which are not.' It's being human.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:40:41 +0000
exactly, and not only that G lib, but Simon has promised to quit the show if Sanjaya wins - what could be punker than Sanjaya winning and ridding the world of Simon Cowell on American Idol? (granted, he'd come back in another form pretty quickly, but his temporary setback would be fun)

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:38:54 +0000
yeah, but not everyone does it in such a way as to bag on others when they're having fun...

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-03-19 16:40:15 +0000
Brilliant. This is the absolutely the worst advice I've ever heard.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:41:32 +0000
If you think its true advice, I've already proved my point about not taking things too seriously.

Posted by G lib on 2007-03-19 16:44:36 +0000
I can't believe I thought you wanted him to win, MF! Sorry if I doubted your taste. 1,000 apologies. But I like Simon. He usually is spot-on, he just comes up with the meanest way to say his spot-on criticism.

Posted by G lib on 2007-03-19 16:45:22 +0000

Posted by Earth Crisis Face on 2007-03-19 16:46:48 +0000
Getting 'Earth Crisis' tattooed on your face is punker. Take it from me.

Posted by theduane on 2007-03-19 16:46:52 +0000
i guess we could help each other????

Posted by G lib on 2007-03-19 16:48:06 +0000
tee hee!

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-19 16:53:14 +0000
Du, I'm only playin'. I don't think you're a slave. Here is a cute picture for you:

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-03-19 16:54:57 +0000

Posted by G lib on 2007-03-19 16:54:33 +0000

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 16:57:08 +0000
Who wants to bet that those khakis are from the gap? This guy = NOT FOOLING ANYBODY

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-19 17:01:27 +0000
Citing irreconcilable differences, I'm out.

Posted by mr. mister on 2007-03-20 01:16:55 +0000
I can't wait for that dude's humungous smile to stop being in my face. It really is an unbelievable show. More people tune in to that show every week 2 nights a week than any other show on tv. And all the contestants can kiss my ass (except that rock chick). It's unreal just have the SXSW show. make some awesome indie band huge and showcase some real talent. Oh that's right they would choose some hippie pretty boy band that sings like coldplay and looks like SANJAYAMO

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-20 10:06:42 +0000
Simpsons, King Of The Hill, X Files, 24, Married With Children...

Posted by mr. mister on 2007-03-20 17:21:05 +0000
I'm not a hater! What about Lost and Battlestar Gallactica DO IT

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-03-20 17:40:33 +0000
Simon Cowell walking away from "American Idol" if this jamoke wins it all has roughly the same percentile chance of happening as all those self-righteous celebrities (as well as some contributors to RSN, I should add) who said they would move to Canada should George W. Bush win the presidency. Accountability is un-American.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-03-20 17:41:17 +0000

Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-03-20 17:58:26 +0000

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-03-20 17:58:58 +0000
I agree. It was the non self-righteous ones who actually moved to Canada.

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-20 18:38:29 +0000
Splitters. I'm staying, by the way, America is too precious to be left behind to be trashed by these mouth-breathing, USA Today-reading, Fox-watching, gonzo-Fundamentalist, Cranky Old White Men. -- Accountability: If it ain't good enough for Bush, then it ain't good enough for me. What's the over/under on Gonzales getting a Presidential Merit award?

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-20 20:36:59 +0000
And made by children who drive SUVs to and from work.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-20 20:40:29 +0000
Not as likely as the entire Bush administration going to jail as soon as the next inauguration is over.

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-21 02:47:28 +0000
After re-reading that splitters thread, I've gotta say that I'm glad the era of putting .sig files after every goddamn post is over.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-21 11:52:53 +0000
whatever. ------------ "Epoisses can Fuck Off" - Miles Davis

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-21 11:55:46 +0000
Why has this been hijacked into a political thread? This thread was intended as a humorous poke at American pop culture. Instead, it has turned into a humorless jab of rightouesness.

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-21 12:26:59 +0000
[poke] Whose taking himself too seriously now? [/poke] Remember that time when politics was not about American pop culture? Oh, wait.... I guess I don't.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-21 12:43:27 +0000
So crystally clear that I wanted to talk about George Bush by bringing up Sanhjaya, isn't it? From now on, I should only post in "The impending impeachment". sigh.

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-21 13:01:02 +0000
Hey! Mahatma! Don't rain on MF DU's parade by mentioning George Bush in his POP CULTURE thread. ---- OK, let's get this on then. Doesn't Paula Abdul make your skin crawl?

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-21 13:28:14 +0000
I dont have time to worry about Paula Abdul (Or Susan Sarnadon and Tim Robbins maybe or maybe not moving to Canada for that matter) knowing that my daily Ford Focus commute is destroying the environment and contributing to global warming, while also grappling with the fact that all of my civil rights are violated daily (I learned that from Rosie).

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-21 13:28:55 +0000
That's the spirit!

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-21 13:33:09 +0000
I saw you use non-biodegradable shopping bags at the co-op last week. Burn in hell.

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-21 13:42:22 +0000
Actually, two of the last three weekends I noticed friend's use of reusable shopping bags. The canvas tote and this other variety that's shpped like your classic paper bag (which I prefer over plastic, anyway) but made from a durable plastic. We picked up two shopping bag shaped plastic bags from Trader Joe's last week. $0.99 each. Of course, the weekly trip to Market Basket resulted in another 8 or 10 flimsy plastic bags in the house. Although, with the dog, they do get re-used. -- I don't see what's wrong with topic drift.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-21 13:44:26 +0000
I hijack topics all the time - Im just bummed that such a frivolous and intending-to-be light hearted post with no other agenda than a laugh has become this great big political protest rally.

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-21 14:05:52 +0000
I was chuckling so hard I could barely type this post.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-03-21 14:19:41 +0000
Our flimsy plastic bags get reused similarly at daycare. Since we started cutting back our weekly grocery expendetures, I actually had to apologize to daycare for bringing in so few bags. (especially since Alder has the trots this week)

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-21 14:31:28 +0000
I'm still a sucker for the canned fish, pickled vegetables (are olives a vegetable?), soda pop, coffee and tea aisles. My thought process: "No, I don't really _need_ a backup jar of Spanish Queen Stuffed Olives, but you never know... I might need to make martinis for the entire street!"

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-21 15:26:18 +0000
It hurts! I'm laughing so hard it hurts!

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-03-21 15:35:08 +0000
Somebody's a little surly this morning! (Okay, afternoon.)

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-21 15:36:10 +0000
BTW, early POTD contender.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-21 19:32:27 +0000
Future Bumpersticker: My kid (and most of my $$$$) go to daycare...

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-03-21 19:33:57 +0000
Just had an idea for one: Poor yet proud parent!

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-21 19:37:43 +0000
My Flexible Spending Acct Beat Up Your Preschool Student

Posted by Miriam on 2007-03-21 19:38:27 +0000
Dreaming of a Middle-Class Existence

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-22 12:31:20 +0000

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-28 13:57:51 +0000
I might be a Fucking Slave, but look at this: this guy making it to the top (or at least making the producers admit that the voting is rigged) is awesome. If phonecallers really do have the ultimate say so and they force this guy through, can you imagine the amount of money their promoters will lose from lack of audience interest and have to pay this no talent Sanjaya for? VOTE SANJAYA!

Posted by tgl on 2007-03-28 14:37:01 +0000
I'm confused. Sanjaya represents the contestant the producers are least interested in having win? People are voting for him because he's the worst preformer?

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-28 14:39:15 +0000
It's a renegade movement - vote for the worst! Vote Sanjaya!

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-28 16:36:59 +0000

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-03-28 17:42:02 +0000
At least this url has nothing to do with the Grand Ole Party

Posted by MF DU on 2007-03-29 17:37:14 +0000
In case yr curious, our man made it again last night.

Posted by Riotous Nutjob on 2007-04-03 22:14:50 +0000
Phil Stacey - can anyone possibly be worse?

Posted by Riotous Nutjob on 2007-04-03 22:40:17 +0000
Maybe Gina Glocksen.

Posted by Riotous Nutjob on 2007-04-03 22:43:00 +0000
Definitely Sanjaya - so bad that he's good? I hope he wins it all, I don't think there could be a better outcome to this show. I have to admit, his slightly off vocals were somehow endearing.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-04 10:52:09 +0000

Posted by G lib on 2007-04-04 11:14:56 +0000
OH MY GOD. What did the judges say?!?!?!

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-04 12:19:02 +0000
There is nothing they can say at this point - if the phone calls decide it - we just put that motherfucker on autodial and vote for S Malakar. Again and again and again and again. (I got through at least 100- 200 times last night while I was watching ESPN...)

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-04 11:34:33 +0000

Posted by tgl on 2007-04-04 13:28:01 +0000
...how much does that cost?

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-04 14:05:19 +0000
.00 USD! 1-800 line - VOIP sucka! I also tried a circular calling method with my Verizon Wireless™ , but the cell server was overloaded. Absolutely no other busy signals or traffic from the VOIP. Im not spending cent one on American Idol , but if I can screw withthe voting to force through a, how shall we say "entertaining" character, I am all for it. Aside from getting the phone #, I didnt even have to watch the show - I just dialed while checking sports scores...

Posted by Riotous Nutjob on 2007-04-04 14:08:27 +0000
Yeah, the show's kind of a train wreck.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-04 17:18:32 +0000
Seperated at birth?

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-05 13:19:55 +0000
Mission accomplished. Bye Bye Sucker Phil's got next.

Posted by cdubrocker on 2007-04-05 13:36:35 +0000

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-11 12:41:30 +0000
Columbian drug lord is so last week. I have no idea what look this was going for, but he sung all in Spanish. A+

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-18 12:14:19 +0000
Saunt Jamaya?

Posted by G lib on 2007-04-18 13:06:51 +0000
I watched last night, just for you. And it was HILARIOUS.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-18 13:25:45 +0000
I hooked up my phone jack to the puter and had it auto dial the 800 #. It got through a little more than 400 times in the span of two hours. My wife wants a divorce.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-04-18 15:28:34 +0000
You are the reason I hear Carrie Underwood, et al on the radio all day long.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-18 15:31:21 +0000
Buy a Jandek cd, put some headphones on. Its ok - you can thank me later

Posted by Miriam on 2007-04-18 15:32:39 +0000
I've had the pleasure of Jandek on the Wads porch...with that perfume of ammonia you mentioned in the kitty litter cake post.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-18 15:35:57 +0000

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-04-18 16:45:07 +0000
"Blue Corpse" and "Interstellar Discussion" are fine Jandek records, FYI. Sample: "Iiiiieee waaaaaahnn-ted tooowooooo diiiiiie"

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-04-18 16:49:58 +0000
Speaking of which....

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