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Posted by rladew on 2004-09-02 11:34:36 +0000

Brendan and Ian on "The Weather Underground"

This could've gone in Politik (er.. Arguing . thanks mike f), Jake "poosay" S. or Rawk... so I guess I chose Rawk.

Canty and Mackaye credited for original music in this award winning documentary I saw last night. The original musical interludes were pretty cool. Reminded me of some the tense, scrawling musical interludes in Neil Labute's In the Company Of Men http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119361/ (Without Screeching Saxophones though)

Interesting stuff. Not much separating these so called "Students For a Democratic Society" from the terrorists who flew planes into our buildings... "Bring the War Home?" I think the best quote in the movie was the gentleman who opined that any organization, when they feel they have moral superiority on their side, can do some pretty horrible and catastrophic things.

John Lennon's lyrics come to mind this morning: (and I'm most likely mangling this so Lennon fans bear with me) If you're planning on destruction, don't you know you can count me out....


Posted by on 2004-09-02 15:25:36 +0000
Interesting stuff. Not much separating these so called "Students For a Democratic Society" from the terrorists who flew planes into our buildings... "Bring the War Home?"
Um, maybe a couple orders of magnitude in success. Al-Qaeda and the Weather Underground are both groups using terror as a tactic to promote their agenda. However, there's a gulf in the difference of degree between these organizations. The Weathermen (and Weatherwomen) did not successfully kill 3,000 people and single-handedly redirect U.S. foreign policy. Al-Qaeda's terror has ben effective in spreading Islamic fundamentalism and general anti-US behavior. The Weather Underground failed utterly in promoting their socialist agenda.

Would the WU have hijacked planes and flewn them into buildings? That's a good question.

any organization, when they feel they have moral superiority on their side, can do some pretty horrible and catastrophic things.
True. History of the world, right there.

My favorite weather website: http://www.wunderground.com

Posted by on 2004-09-03 14:21:19 +0000
Here Here. Thanks for the URL. Its always good to know what the weather will be :)

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