Who got Kid 606, Merzbow, and Aphex Twin in My NIN?
<b>Somebody Put Something In My Drink</b>
Dystopia is all the rage these days:
Children Of Men
Buttload of adapted Phillip K Dick films
Now, Trent throws his hat in the mix with <i>Year Zero</i> (halo 24 for those of you keeping score)a loud and discomforting concept album that takes place in the not too distant future.
In 94/95, I used to play a compilation @ WUNH called 'Extreme Music From Japan' - it was some of my first exposure to oscilliating blips, distorted test patterns, sine waves, broken sega / video game sounds, etc. EMFJ got played dutifully again and again, not only cause it introduced me to the oft talked about Merzbow, Masonna and the ilk, but also because I came across this cathartic and urgent sounding track by a guy named Nikou Zidousha (sp?).
Ive never played EMFJ since the dawn of the millenium nor heard from NZ ever again, but the sounds spread out through <i>Year Zero</i> are so <i>Extreme Music From Japan</i> as a foundation with Trent's styling mixed over the base that I desperately want to return to that album and its sonic landscape.
Interesting stuff.
B+ / A-
Be A Patriot - Be An Informer!
I remember this very clearly.
I think I was 7.