Setting the movement back...
Just saw <a href=>this gem.</a> Maybe I should've gone to law school so I could run for state supreme court and add my biased opinion.
The procedure is gruesome and horrific, but taking legitimate medical options from the hands of trained MDs is really a precedent the supreme court should not be setting.
Anyone want to talk about "Jesus Camp"? Chippy and I just saw it, and talked a little about it with TGL and the Mrs.
<img src="">
"I pledge allegience to the christian flag"
Let's refocus the women's movement on equal pay for equal work (the pay gap has not diminished all that significantly since the '70s) instead wasting our energy on an issue that many people feel very ambivelant about.
What does it matter if Roe stands but doctors don't want to perform abortions for fear of being shot down or blown up? What difference does it make if South Dakota passes restrictive abortion laws if, as a practical matter, most women, and especially poor women, don't really have access to one anyway? Fight for economic justice and succeed, and those women can come to Mass for a safe and legal abortion. Or, shit, just spend some of the money we spend fighting for Roe on transportation costs.
I agree that wage disparities must be dealt with, but the right to a safe and legal abortion should not be thrown to the wind.
The Court is there to redress wrongs, supposedly, but it's been spectacularly wrong on many many many issues. Dred Scott, anyone?
While I support additional legal action to overturn the so-called Partial Birth Abortion Ban, the best way to protect abortion rights in this country is via Legislative majorities. Pelosi & Reid need to overturn this law, not Souter & Ginsberg.
Uh yes, waiter, I'll have The Dred Scott with a side order of eminent domain and a Korematsu shake. To go. thanks!
Yes, idealistically limited access is still access. Pragmatically, access to a safe abortion is harder now than before <i>Roe</i>, regardless of what the Court says.