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Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-23 19:17:28 +0000

Dark House 35 mm developing?

Any of you out there old-school in your photographic techniques?

I found an undeveloped roll of TRI-X PAN Kodak B+W 35mm film the other day.

Fuck all if i know whats on it...

Anyhoo - I took it to a few camera shops - each told me that it might be possible to send it to a professional photographer's studio to be manually developed in a darkroom, there wouldn't be other options.

Im guessing that having it developed in that method will be ultra expensive - any artsy folk out there know of any alternatives?

ahh- I love the smell of Stop Bath in the morning...

Posted by Chopper on 2007-04-23 19:26:01 +0000
Besides a Bowie "expert" for the sake of this board, I am a photographer of sorts and have been shooting and developing since I was a wee tot. Anyway, no photo shops have been able to develop B&W (Tri-X and otherwise) for years - and that includes way, way, way before digital made the scene. My advice would be to contact a few colleges. Some programs might have B&W capabilities.

Posted by cdubrocker on 2007-04-23 19:27:12 +0000
<a href = "http://www.bostonphoto.org/darkroom.html">Boston Photo Collaborative</a> could be an option for you. But from their page it seems like you'd have to do the developing yourself.

Posted by tgl on 2007-04-23 19:41:55 +0000
I've gotten B&W film processed on contact sheets at Ferrenti-Dege in Harvard Sq., but I've heard they have closed. A couple years ago I purchased a "throw-away" camera loaded with an Ilford B&W. It wasn't at F-D, maybe it was the old Utrecht on Brattle.

I swear I've also gotten B&W prints from B&W film at Ritz Camera, but I could be mistaken. They <a href="http://www.ritzcamera.com/35mm-print-film.htm?bct=t13024003%3Bcidigitalslr%3Bcifilm">sell</a> the stuff, so I imagine they must develop it. Tri-X might be incompatible with the T-Max/Plus-x they offer now-a-days.

Posted by tgl on 2007-04-23 19:43:00 +0000
Of course, it wasn't one hour prints. Ritz sends it to Kodak or something.

Posted by cdubrocker on 2007-04-23 19:56:30 +0000
Maybe <a href = "http://www.camerasinc.com/index.html">Cameras, Inc.?</a>

Posted by Miriam on 2007-04-23 20:04:11 +0000
I used to get B&W developed at F-D; don't they still have a storefront at One Kendall Sq?

Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-24 17:49:46 +0000
Thanks guys - I appreciate the extra info.

Maybe I'll have to develop myself (I had this fantasy that I could pay out like $20 or $30 and get at least a contact sheet from some business somewhere, oh well)

Posted by jbcardinale on 2007-04-24 18:27:09 +0000
I had black and white "The Clash" pictures on page below:


done at Cambridge Framery and Photoworks, 1100 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge. It was expensive and I already had negatives.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-04-24 18:33:25 +0000
Oooh, yeah! Try the MFA School - my cute rockabilly friend (yes, those of you who remember Malbert definitely remember her) studied there and did all sorts of cool things with film.

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