CPFLM(@)T 4/22-3/07
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The Last Unicorn
"I'm from Chicago."
Fight the power!
Militant Dances Brigades
*Your Gonna Dance! Crew (NU BQ)
*Earth Day (NU Tr)
Colors of Paints
*Everybody's Orange (NU BQ)
Fictional US Presidents
*H. Ronald Fagen (NU Fr)
Soft Drinks
*Roger (NU BQ)
Articles of Clothing
*Turban (NU Ed)
*(A)Has It Only Been Three Days (NU NG)
*(S) Nobody's Gonna Change My Mind (NU BQ)
Four syllable words
*Diuretic (NU BQ)
*Synombulist (NU Ed)
Back to ulitimate!
*Thong Ripper (NU Tr)
May 6, 2011
Yucatan sunset->
4 syllable words
<li> I love that song, that record is a regular on my deck.
<li> I love that radio station, it's one of two commercial music stations programmed into the pimpin' minivan (WROR is the other)
And UNGH! is still a more common record on the deck, but Chicago is in the top 10.
a) I think the original "The Last Unicorn" post is about a bar/restaurant in Waterville, ME
b) There's a Jeff Bridges movie of the same name
c) I wonder if the bar/restaurant in Waterville is a Jeff Bridges fagen
Is the restaurant in Waterville, ME a tribute to JB? I say 'yes'.
<img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/169/472533541_7abbc7dc4a.jpg?v=0">