Fake Sock
Nice to see my two least favorite (personally) Red Sox players in a dust-up. <a href="http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/articles/2007/04/26/bloody_mess?mode=PF">Ink or blood</a>? Schilling is a bore and Mirabelli is a prick. A win as a win, but the melodrama of the sock lives on.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was fake. More important events have been faked to greater effect/reprecussions. Gulf of Tonkin for example.
Mirabelli talks a good game for a weak-hitting backup catcher.
Whether or not Schill' is a faker or 'belli is a liar is inconsequential, as I don't find either of them personally appealing. I just like that they're both implicated... it's most likely that the blood is real, I'd say.
Have you ever taken a bandaid off of yr finger after it had been bleeding a bit - it had that same old crimson/rust orangey look to it.
You never scraped your knee and got a little blood stain on a white tshirt or something of the ilk?
At any rate: I agree with you re: mutual disappeal of Schill and Belli. It feels like an icky story that they are both involved.