Funny for so many <a href="">reasons</a>.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-04-26 19:56:16 +0000
I'm trying hard to "get" this and failing miserably. sorry.
All I know is that Andrew Sullivan is MFGR (and yes TGL finally explained the acronym to me).
Posted by tgl on 2007-04-27 00:33:24 +0000
<b>How viable is the idea of community in 2007? How viable is the idea of community in 2007?</b>
I’m going to answer this idiotic question because
I’m a nice guy and I think your heart’s in the
right place. The idea of the community is viable
today and tomorrow and the tomorrow after that.
Haven’t you ever heard that expression “No man
is an island?â€
<b>Who said that?</b>
Mark Cuban, I think.
What are we, chopped liver?
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-04-27 01:33:33 +0000
That is some <i> journalism! </i>
Posted by tgl on 2007-04-27 02:37:25 +0000
Just realized I did not reply to the post I was replying to. Still: mirth.
Posted by tgl on 2007-04-27 02:40:29 +0000
It's a post on my favorite political humour website ( about my two favorite political bloggers (Sullivan and Yglesias) with an intentionally erroneous American Prospect/This America Life reference... and everyone is moving to the Atlantic Monthly.
And, oh, I like Terry Colon's illustrations.
Maybe it's not funny, per se; I found it highly amusing.
All I know is that Andrew Sullivan is MFGR (and yes TGL finally explained the acronym to me).
<b>How viable is the idea of community in 2007? How viable is the idea of community in 2007?</b>
I’m going to answer this idiotic question because
I’m a nice guy and I think your heart’s in the
right place. The idea of the community is viable
today and tomorrow and the tomorrow after that.
Haven’t you ever heard that expression “No man
is an island?â€
<b>Who said that?</b>
Mark Cuban, I think.
What are we, chopped liver?
And, oh, I like Terry Colon's illustrations.
Maybe it's not funny, per se; I found it highly amusing.
(Like my punctuation.)