I know I shouldn't, but -
<a href="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,268685,00.html">I love this crap</a>.
Advance apologies for the Rupert Murdoch news link. You can all call me a motherfucker if you want.
Trump is such a maniac, but he is so much more fun (not to mention tolerable) to listen to in interviews and talk shows than Rosie O' Donnell.
I think I was at a Rollins spoken word show once where Rollins suggested that the solution to middle east peace was to pave Israel and let Trump build a casino there.
Donald Trump for president?
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/EWne5WtVKrI"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EWne5WtVKrI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
One option: Take the ball away.
Aside from defying the law in CA on the steps of her courthouse for her marriage which I thought was awesome,
She shouts people down, is generally humorless and believes that American leaders would somehow benefit by knocking our own buildings down. yikes
<img src="http://www.timewarptoys.com/barrel.jpg">
Although, the third image on the Google search is a keeper:
<img src="http://img.lightreading.com/aboutus/frontpage/monkey_finger.gif">
Re: Rosie O' Donnell, comedian: Even Lenny Bruce wasn't funny after he lost perspective.
but by lost perspective, I was thinking about how focused (rightly so, but still) Lenny was on being persecuted for using off color language in his act.
from Bruce's <a href= "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenny_Bruce">wiki</a>:
<i>In his later performances, Bruce was known for relating the details of his encounters with the police directly in his comedy routine; his criticism encouraged the police to eye him with maximum scrutiny. These performances often included rants about his court battles over obscenity charges, tirades against fascism and complaints of his denial to the right to free speech.</I>
Rosie has become more focused, to the point of obsession some might argue, about the wrongs of our current system and advancing what she thinks would fix our system. I applaud her for speaking her mind on what she thinks is right - but she didn't build her initial following and audience by trying to influence / lead this audience politically, so why should she used her earned status as a non stop political forum? Maybe she should move to CSPAN. All of this would be easier for me to take if she was in politics, but last I checked, she is an entertainer. Where's the entertainment?
I think tgl would side with it.
Take the ball away. What do you do with third graders that are acting out in order to garner attention? Ignore 'em. Yes, my wife teaches in an elementary school.