I do not understand how it is disrepectful to question what happened on that day.
There are obvious inconsistencies and unanswered questions surrounding all of the events of 9/11.
If it is your perspective that the book is closed , let sleeping dogs lie, etc... that's fine.
From my perspective, it would be a huge diservice to the victims of 9/11 and everyone else if someone does not keep asking important questions.
Posted by on 2004-09-03 23:55:51 +0000
I dont think I was suggesting that people shouldn't talk or speculate about it, but if this media is suggesting a plane didnt hit the Pentagon, what about the missing DEAD Americans and plane?
Posted by on 2004-09-04 00:11:17 +0000
Well, this is not exactly"the media", meaning you would never see this on a mainstream broadcast, the internet is good like that.
Again, I'm not saying this is credible by any means but it is food for thought and the question, "What happened to that flight and the people on it?", is exactly what this piece of "media" begged me to question.
It is not a nice thing to think about.
Posted by on 2004-09-04 00:14:35 +0000
...and after some more thought and clicking around other sites linked to this half-assed power point for dummies "suggestion" that we somehow knew terroists were going to strike and did nothing -
I'm personally insulted and wish I had the time I spent looking at it back. Even if what the responsible parties for this "information" have the truth, dont you think other more reputable sources would pick up on it and do some more conclusive research based on more than some schmoe eyewitness testimony and some fluourescent text on an HTML page my daughter could probably make?
I'm sorry if this sounds abrasive, and I do respect everyone on this list as dear friends, colleagues and equals, but this is just a disgrace.
Posted by on 2004-09-04 00:34:40 +0000
Uggh Rich
There are a lot more "reputable" sources and people who strongly question what happened on that day.
The fact of the matter is...there are no facts. Nobody really knows what happened because that information is classified.
Do you really think our goverment is not capable of commiting monstrousities?
Gulf of Tonkin?
Do you still buy the Lone Gunman story?
I don't like to think that anybody who saw this coming would let it happen but if you look at the track record of our intelligence and military it does not seem completly out the question that we are not getting the full story.
People, especially those with power, do bad things all the time, throughout history.
I am a fan of the truth and I believe it lay somwhere between what the goverment tells us and the alarmist media at the top of this page.
Posted by on 2004-09-04 20:52:34 +0000
Oh yeah,
I know someone is going to jump all over the "there are no facts" statement.
Obviously there are facts.
I guess I am just not at all satisfied with the official 9-11 report.
Posted by on 2004-09-05 05:21:08 +0000
I heard about the Sheraton Hotel video tape from my Uncle Mike about a week after Sept. 11th. Why can't we/the victim's families/anyone see it? Do we really have to wait 20 years? (Though we saw the Zapruder film in '69, six years after....)
I do not understand how it is disrepectful to question what happened on that day.
There are obvious inconsistencies and unanswered questions surrounding all of the events of 9/11.
If it is your perspective that the book is closed , let sleeping dogs lie, etc... that's fine.
From my perspective, it would be a huge diservice to the victims of 9/11 and everyone else if someone does not keep asking important questions.
Again, I'm not saying this is credible by any means but it is food for thought and the question, "What happened to that flight and the people on it?", is exactly what this piece of "media" begged me to question.
It is not a nice thing to think about.
I'm personally insulted and wish I had the time I spent looking at it back. Even if what the responsible parties for this "information" have the truth, dont you think other more reputable sources would pick up on it and do some more conclusive research based on more than some schmoe eyewitness testimony and some fluourescent text on an HTML page my daughter could probably make?
I'm sorry if this sounds abrasive, and I do respect everyone on this list as dear friends, colleagues and equals, but this is just a disgrace.
There are a lot more "reputable" sources and people who strongly question what happened on that day.
The fact of the matter is...there are no facts. Nobody really knows what happened because that information is classified.
Do you really think our goverment is not capable of commiting monstrousities?
Gulf of Tonkin?
Do you still buy the Lone Gunman story?
I don't like to think that anybody who saw this coming would let it happen but if you look at the track record of our intelligence and military it does not seem completly out the question that we are not getting the full story.
People, especially those with power, do bad things all the time, throughout history.
I am a fan of the truth and I believe it lay somwhere between what the goverment tells us and the alarmist media at the top of this page.
I know someone is going to jump all over the "there are no facts" statement.
Obviously there are facts.
I guess I am just not at all satisfied with the official 9-11 report.