Mike F. Apparently went to see this. Vincent Gallo is a scary looking fucker* Check this out:

* Which is not meant to discount whether this is a good film or not, I just personally get the creeps every time I see him. I saw a recent photo of him on howardstern.com when he came in to talk about the Bunny, but I cant seem to find that photo now.
P.S. This is Post:
Anyway, The Brown Bunny:
Julie and I saw it the other night at Kendall. For the first hour and a half of that film, I sat there thinking that it looked like something me and Terry G. would have done in high school (remember the vague plans for 'Apocolypse Later'? Like that.) Then I was waiting for the blowjob bit so I could go home. Everyone that was in the place knew it was coming, and was waiting for it.
(About said blowjob: Gallo = Genoa salami.)
That scene, though, the blowjob scene, tied everything up in such a way so that I was forced to re-evaluate everything I saw. Totally redeemed what I thought was a big pile of shit.
Pixies threads: I was trying to link together in case someone was only checking one - but I can see now this makes it confusing. So if Mike F has the feathers, Im sure someone else on this board will have the Tar.......
Ebert is the only film critic to win a Pulitzer prize, was involved as writer for the script of Russ Meyer's Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, and really knows his stuff if youve had the $$$ time or patience to hear commentaries he's contributed to citizen Kane, and Dark City DVDs amongst others.
I find he does seem to largely overpraise some films while being way too harsh on others. (IE being favorable of Phantom Menace, but shitcanning Blue Velvet)
Its hard to know whether Ebert has one of his Lynch type hangups with Gallo or if the movie is really shitty.
An interesting side note is that if you check the print ads for the film in places like the Globe, it has Ebert praises on this new re-edit of the original film screened @ the film festival wher him and gallo went at it.
be careful with the Winston Churchill stuff... If this gets too political I'm outta here :)
<img src="http://moblog.co.uk/blogs/52/moblog_c0ae27f9be01f.jpg"</>
saw it on netflix last night. whatever.
The Warhol asthetic of having a camera fastened to a dashboard and capturing the behaviors of the van's occupants was fine, the grainy art house thing makes it look almost beautiful in a way (ie sunsets, driving along at night, etc.) but I'm good for maybe 25-20 minutes of that (if its going to be pure style / mise en scene without any dialogue) as opposed to 80 minutes and a 10 minute bad dialogue-drugged out-unecessary view of Gallo's salami w/ sevigny attached.
Gallo is a great businessman and he got lots of people to see this, but it just left me cold...