2007-06-04: Lynn Gin Tasters
D. Lowe had a decent outing <a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/recap;_ylt=AvFY4c7usxb53jgJ.1i8PZOFCLcF?gid=270530120&prov=ap">last Wednesday</a>. Starts against the dreaded Pirates today. J. Vazquez had _8_ shutout innings last Friday, and F. Cordero of your NL Central-leading Brewers rang up four saves.
On the offensive side: V. Martinez had 14 RBIs last week. C. Figgins batted .500
My team is weak on OBP (but on top with R, go figure) and low on W. At this point, I'm afraid to trade, don't know if any one or two players will really make much of a difference.
Oh yeah, the Tasters are second with 81 points.