I would truly like to thank all who contributed back and forth to political debate on this site. I think (for me at least) it usually helps for me to share my political outlooks and gain some foresight from others as well to learn from alternate viewpoints.
I do however, tend to get overexcited on some of these issues, and it has never been my intention to upset, alienate, or purposefully anger or distress anyone (especially my respected friends)
Therefore, I have decided to restrain myself from Political threads in general. (I feel bad after asking Terry to make a seperate section now, but I think its good its here for people that would like to engage in discussion / debates / arguments / etc.)
My strengths / intrests / and enthusiasms lie in music, film, media, etc. anyways and I am most happy making those posts and talking the proverbial shit on the drunk dialin' board. (Who knows maybe baseball and football if I can get a friggin' clue)
Thanks for the opportunity to participate, and I'll see ya in other areas of the board :)
Yrs Trly
"Oh, so true!"
"That's completely right!"
"My gosh, Ed, that's brilliant!"
Keep in mind definition 6: