I've been contemplating this for a bit, and think I want to do it. But what sort do I get? Please advise.
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-06-06 14:10:33 +0000
Hell yeah... don't bother with any with any one that comes with all the bells and whistles (ones that show movies for example). The music one does incredibly nicely, thank you. Seriously, it was one of those things like the cell phone that I was kicking myself for holding out too long before buying one. Research stuff <a href="http://youtube.com/watch?v=mqWPl0AexnA">here</a> before buying.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-06 14:13:08 +0000
SUPER HAPPY I WENT 60GB as opposed to 30GB. One of the reasons I held out so long is I didn't want to get one that only held a small amt that I would constantly have to resync as I got more new music, or got on the kick of ______'s back catalogue.
The difference between the two bigger models is less than $100, but you get twice the space (even more space now - I think the newer generation is 80GB).
One of the funnest things ever is hitting Shuffle (My apologies to 10 D and Conor) after you have loaded a huge amt of music - My favorite kind of roulette, ever!
Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-06 14:16:31 +0000
I actually enjoy the video / color screen ones because:
-I can display all the album artwork if I so choose
-I can play Pacman / Solitaire when I am waiting at a doctor's office / subway / etc.
-I can (occasionally - not too too much) download an episode of Lost or some such
-I can get video podcasts of Homestrrunner for free.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-06 14:21:34 +0000
As a postscript, my advice is coming through as a complete collector dork: most of the peer group I hang around with on RSN seems to have recording collections on steroids.
If I was at a dinner party with the Jackster and sans fellow RSN'rs I might advocate the 30GB - wholly depends on how frequently you consume music and how many artists / genres of music you consume.
also - set aside in yr budget for a pair of semi-decent headphones / buds.
The clock radio speaker tin shit that comes with it should go right in the trash. (Not to mention that the white color will instantly mark you as an Ipod user)
Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-06 14:22:10 +0000
SUN RA on you tube?
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-06-06 14:48:38 +0000
I bought the 80 GB Video -- I can't imagine ever needing to upgrade it. My whole record collection plus everything I like from MC's PLUS a ton of stuff I downloaded and I'm at 14530 songs, 55.99 GB.
Plus, I walk to Harvard every day now rather than taking the bus -- listening to music and walking is pretty righteous.
Posted by Miriam on 2007-06-06 17:33:48 +0000
I have a Zune and love using it while gardening and it was a wunderkind while on my trips last winter. You can get radio on it, and download videos. I thought I could upload my dvds to it, but apparently you have to pirate software onto it to circumvent copyright issues.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-06 17:35:09 +0000
hmmmm :0)
Posted by tommy on 2007-06-06 18:37:54 +0000
I've got an "iAudio X5" from Cowon and I love it. A huge advantage from my perspective is that I can plug it right into any computer I want.. I don't need any special software ("cp" is the only program you need), and I don't need the computer to be a Windows machine. You don't need to put your collection in an "iTunes" directory structure if you don't want.
It was also cheaper than the brand-name iPod, and plays more music formats (specifically Ogg/Vorbis).
Mine's only 20GB, and I rarely fill it... that's okay from my persepctive because I usually try to keep only the "cream" on there. For example, while I usually have some Elvis Costello on there, I don't sync all 700 of his records, and so I get reasonable behavior when I put it in shuffle mode.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-06-07 01:28:25 +0000
I'm with Tommy re: keeping the cream on it. And if I had it to do over, I also wouldn't have gone with the Mac product - for the same reasons he mentions.
Posted by G lib on 2007-06-07 08:55:03 +0000
Chips got me a 4gig Nano for my birthday 2 years ago. It weighs nothing, which is important to me, because I have to carry a ton of crap around.
I like to keep new stuff on it. There's no way I could load all of my CDs, Chippy's digitized records, and whatever I stole from Ep's collection, but do I want to listen to all of that all the time? That's what computer hard drives are for.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-07 09:32:13 +0000
I just read Epoisses post again - "everything <b><i>I like from MC;s</b></i> (emphasis is DÜ's , natch)
LOL - is there a lot of stuff on there from MC or was that a diplomatic way of saying your tastes are diverging?
Posted by Miriam on 2007-06-07 10:42:15 +0000
The nice thing about the Zune is that your can pick a playlist on the product and share your stuff with others (if you pay to join the club). It's got all kinds of wireless features which I'm sure I don't really understand all of yet.
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-06-07 11:33:56 +0000
SUPER HAPPY I WENT 60GB as opposed to 30GB. One of the reasons I held out so long is I didn't want to get one that only held a small amt that I would constantly have to resync as I got more new music, or got on the kick of ______'s back catalogue.
The difference between the two bigger models is less than $100, but you get twice the space (even more space now - I think the newer generation is 80GB).
One of the funnest things ever is hitting Shuffle (My apologies to 10 D and Conor) after you have loaded a huge amt of music - My favorite kind of roulette, ever!
-I can display all the album artwork if I so choose
-I can play Pacman / Solitaire when I am waiting at a doctor's office / subway / etc.
-I can (occasionally - not too too much) download an episode of Lost or some such
-I can get video podcasts of Homestrrunner for free.
If I was at a dinner party with the Jackster and sans fellow RSN'rs I might advocate the 30GB - wholly depends on how frequently you consume music and how many artists / genres of music you consume.
also - set aside in yr budget for a pair of semi-decent headphones / buds.
The clock radio speaker tin shit that comes with it should go right in the trash. (Not to mention that the white color will instantly mark you as an Ipod user)
Plus, I walk to Harvard every day now rather than taking the bus -- listening to music and walking is pretty righteous.
It was also cheaper than the brand-name iPod, and plays more music formats (specifically Ogg/Vorbis).
Mine's only 20GB, and I rarely fill it... that's okay from my persepctive because I usually try to keep only the "cream" on there. For example, while I usually have some Elvis Costello on there, I don't sync all 700 of his records, and so I get reasonable behavior when I put it in shuffle mode.
I like to keep new stuff on it. There's no way I could load all of my CDs, Chippy's digitized records, and whatever I stole from Ep's collection, but do I want to listen to all of that all the time? That's what computer hard drives are for.
LOL - is there a lot of stuff on there from MC or was that a diplomatic way of saying your tastes are diverging?
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/mqWPl0AexnA"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/mqWPl0AexnA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
extra Sun Ra never hurt anyone though :)