June from Chicago: 96.9 FM
The Blue Line was not running between Maverick and Wood Island this evening, so there was as shuttle bus, aand then waiting for the T at Wood Island, and then getting into Wonderland at 10:30pm, so ended up just late enough to miss the 10:30pm bus.
So, while walking out of the T Station I hear this guy behind me talking about all you have to do is say what you're thinking and more likely than not, somene around you is probably thinking that same thing. So I turn back to look at this guy and give him my approval. We end up waiting for the 11:30PM bus (now an hour away), and he keeps talking and talking and talking. I wish I could record everything he said, but, I was in Saugus.
Along these lines:
* The mirror tells the truth, look in the mirror. If your wearing a fuckin' blue shirt and yellow pants, then motherfucker your color code is off. The mirror tells the truth, look in the mirror.
* I listen to 96.9FM. They're assholes, but at least you can respect them.
* Jay Severin. J-a-y Severin... I don't know how he spells that. Listen to him, twice, you're hooked. Tell 'em June from Chicago sent you.
* When they tell me to go back to Africa, I say, who's gonna pick me up when I get there?
* You wouldn't see that chump Romney in Roxbury.
* What did I tell you? 96.9FM I listen to talk radio.
* You look like you got a lot of Dutch in you.