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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-09-07 16:44:51 +0000

A line from Camp David


Interesting also that Drudgereport is reporting that Kerry tried to ban the gun he waved this weekend, which is absolutely false. He tried to ban pistol grip, semi-automatic shotguns; the gun he holds is neither....

Posted by on 2004-09-07 17:06:35 +0000
Ah, the mud-slinging is now in full swing. Stuff seems like more smear than truth, sorta Swifties of the Left. It's disappointing that this campaign might be decided on who can get the most mud to stick, instead of who can best lead this country for four years.

Posted by on 2004-09-07 18:12:41 +0000

Posted by on 2004-09-08 00:41:46 +0000
OK, I did the research and you CAN get the Beretta Model 300 (Kerry's gun this weekend) as a semi-automatic. Still not a pistol grip....

Posted by on 2004-09-08 14:30:26 +0000

Maybe this Vietnam thing isn't dead yet. I wonder if this (albeit old) story will have the same sort of legs as the Swifties story. The Swift story is entirely false based on hearsay from one (1) soldier, that soldier being described as the most trigger-happy of the unit (by the rest of Kerry's unit) and recently quoted as saying "I have no problems shooting a gook". All the other veterans that appear in the ads are parroting Stephen Gardner's claims, even though they have no first-hand knowledge of the events in question. It was used as an attention getter , to criticize Kerry's anti-Vietnam activities (legitimate criticism). Without the false accusations, the criticism doesn't get much media play.

The two sources in Kristof's story deserves the same scrutiny as the Swift Veterans, the Lechliter report would seem to do that.

It's not that G.W. called daddy to get a favorable Air National Guard posting, he probably received this assignment without asking. It's another example of how privileged, white, Americans generally do not bear the brunt of recent military actions. I think the volunteer service makes for a better military, people who want to be there are probably going to be better soldiers. I would think it makes it easier to deploy troops with less regard for the consequences.

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