Summer outings
This weekends golf and gluttony trip has piqued my interest towards getting out of Boston. Might I throw the following ideas in the direction the social calendar?
- The Herreshoff Maritime Museum in Bristol RI
They have some of the most beautiful boats ever made and i expect there are also opportunities for ice cream and the beach.
- Pre-Moose Canoeing
I love canoeing, its up there with drug abuse and sleeping as one of my favourite hobbies. Would anyone be interested in some 1 day outings, perhaps a bit of white water? Of course not having a canoe is a minor setback, but im sure that could be remedied. I would be more than willing to stump up some cash for a communal canoe.
- Bike Trips
Im up for any kind of bike trip - from poodling through the park to centuries, not really set up for bike touring though. Anyone fancy doing some reasonably long (60 miles plus) rides?
- Sailing
Starting next week or so I can take a max of 3 people at a time out sailing on the boats at my work - would be some weekday evenings and whenever I had a day off. We can sail around the harbour islands and have a picnic or something. I will let y'all know the schedule
- The Beach
- Road trips anywhere
Strip malls still have the power to make me feel foreign
I mean , c'mon, you Boston ingrates do use it for your water supply and all, come on out and give thanks!
And am happy with most of the other suggestions as well.
But yes, a trip to the Quabbin would be fun.
I'm in.