Somnambulistical Hijinks
I went to bed as usual last night, sometime around 11PM.
Next thing I knew I was out on the stoop and the front door was clicking shut behind me, about 45 minutes later.
I had no idea what I was doing there. I felt certain that I must have had a good reason for going outside. Unfortunately, I had thereby locked myself out. And I was wearing almost nothing at all--one pair boxers, no shirt, no shoes or socks.
I tried all the windows I could reach--they were all locked. I went around to the back of the house and tried the two back doors there--both locked. Only after some rather extraordinary exertions was I able to break into the house and go back to bed. Good thing nobody saw me. I'd have hated to try to explain my actions to the police.
I think I must have been searching for G Lib.