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Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-22 15:54:21 +0000

Doobie Brothers / Lynyrd Skynard Tweeter CTR 06/22/07


Due to the probability of Michael Mcdonald's absence, I will not be in attendance.

(Just curious - Has anyone on this board actually been at a concert where someone actually has played 'Freebird'?)

Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-22 13:10:30 +0000
looking on Google images for a picture of the inner marijuana sleeve for 'Minute by Minute' with no luck. Can anyone help?

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-06-22 13:29:09 +0000
Mr. Mr. and I saw Michael McDonald open up for The Dan a few years back. He came back on to play with Mssrs. Becker/Fagen et al. for "Peg," a seriously pussified version of "Dirty Work," and a few others I can't recall ("The Fez," "My Old School," maybe? I can't recall). McDonald might have been better than the headliners, cuz Lord knows they were more exciting when he joined.

Posted by jbcardinale on 2007-06-22 14:38:58 +0000
Old bastard that I am, I saw Lynard Skynard at the Orpheum in 1975, original line-up, pre-plane crash, ticket stub in the archives. They played "Free Bird".

Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-22 15:53:19 +0000

jbcardinale is f'in awesome!

Posted by mr. mister on 2007-06-22 19:33:26 +0000
Michael McDonald was ok in concert except when he did spirituals. Nothing compared to the Dan.
"play free bird"

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