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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-23 06:45:07 +0000

Anyone Subscribe To 'The New Republic'?

There's an article on <a href="https://ssl.tnr.com/p/docsub.mhtml?i=20070618&s=hajdu061807">John Fucking Zorn</a> I want to read.

I will have to seek it out - what type of place in my hick neck of the woods would sell this? I guess I will have to go to the library.

I have read some of David Hajdu's stuff - he had an excellent bio <i>Lush Life</i> on Billy Strayhorn that was published in the late 1990's.

People I know that are into Zorn (yes, others exist whether you choose to believe it or not) are giving me the impression that it is critical of him in a bad way...

BTW TNR's Online link to 'Tzaddik' is a sic. It is Tzadik.

Posted by virtue on 2007-06-23 08:14:01 +0000
While I'm a huge fan of the library (obviously), I bet you could get the new republic at any big box bookstore, and probably at any grocery/drug store with a sizable card/mag/book section.

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