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i ride sideways
Posted by pchippy on 2007-06-25 20:39:05 +0000


I've got my pictures up now. jbcardinal's pictures are also still up on his Flickr page here.

Posted by G lib on 2007-06-26 13:43:53 +0000
FYI-- Chippy is very sad that no one has commented on his put-put flickr page with entertaining narrative.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-06-26 14:40:58 +0000
The sole reason I haven't responded previously is that I have been unable to find a way of saying that Chippy's photo headings put all other flikr pages to shame without insulting all other flikr page authors. Alas, I still see no politic manner of responding in earnest without insulting the less narratorial flikr folk. So let's just keep this between us, hm? PS - cute plaid, sister.

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