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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by tommy on 2007-06-29 08:10:02 +0000

Dear Ron Francis, Mark Messier, Al MacInnis and Scott Stevens

Congratulations on being the best Hall of Fame class since 2001.

<img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b319/beanballinc/ron_francis_cooperalls.jpg" />

<img src="http://members.tripod.com/fromthepoint/photos/alcup.jpg" />

<img src="http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/hockey/nhl/features/2001/gallery/devils/2/stevens_lg-01.jpg" />

<img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y50/RuddyRuddy/gary_mark.jpg" />

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-06-29 10:26:39 +0000
What is the best autograph in Gary Coleman's autograph book?

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-06-29 10:55:30 +0000
That picture is amazing. Wow!

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