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tome cusp
Posted by tgl on 2007-06-29 12:11:00 +0000


At the Cambridgeside Galleria, there's at least $100,000 in sales waiting in line at the Apple Store. Wish I owned more than one share of <a href="http://finance.google.com/finance?q=AAPL">AAPL</a>, although, maybe it's time to short? Think of all those bugs that will be reported on Monday.

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-06-29 12:22:01 +0000
How are the Celtics doing today, stockwise?

Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-29 12:56:48 +0000
No one can deny Jobs as an innovator, but my initial impression is that this particular product will need some improvements based on perusing its initial specs.

$600 for a phone that works only with Cingular (rated 2nd to last in customer service in Consumer Reports BTW), holds a tiny (for $600 at least) <a href="http://www.apple.com/iphone/specs.html">4 gigs</a> that can expand to 8gigs for an additionally purchased flash card, seems higly unreasonable to me.

Are you really going to want to jump from like hundreds of different of Wifi services during a bus/train/taxi/car ride to check your email and watch viral videos?

the dual battery idea (one for phone, one for music / games / bullshit) and the touch screen ideas or good, but it is my humble opinion people would do well to wait 2 or 3 generations into this product when more service carriers, memory, and features are available.

I think I will pass for now, although if anyone gave me one, I cant deny that it would be fun to play with.

Posted by tgl on 2007-06-29 13:13:20 +0000
Co-worker points out: People waiting in line to buy an iPhone --in Cambridge MA-- are probably going to purchase the 8gig version. ...which is still sorta small by today standards. Always a good thing to what for the 2nd/3rd generation. Although, I was fairly pleased with my iMac Rev. A in Bondi Blue.

Cingular is now Cingular Wireless is now AT&T Wireless is now AT&T, right?

Someone gave me a 2gig iPod nano last night. I can't deny it is fun to play with.

Posted by tgl on 2007-06-29 13:16:02 +0000
Computers, not a good <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=015&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=250136787254&rd=1&rd=1">investment</a>.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-29 13:42:14 +0000
Is there an 8 gig model? I may have misread the spec sheet - I thought you had to add a card to beef it up to 8 gigs.

Also - I saw the camera is only two megapixels.

All of this stuff would be cool for 250- 300, but for 600, it better wash all my dishes and carry the entire history of recorded music, instantly identify prank callers while allowing me to stream audio/video of all Red Sox games.

oh, and the fine print after the 4/8 GB says *formatted capacity less.

Posted by tgl on 2007-06-29 14:13:32 +0000
Regardless... the rollout presents an invest opportunity on AAPL, the question is how do you play it?

Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-29 14:27:39 +0000
true, true - I digressed a bit. If I had extra $$$$, an Apple stock investment might be an interesting route to go.

Posted by tgl on 2007-06-29 14:33:22 +0000
Not enough green? <a href="http://www.marketwatch.com/tools/quotes/options1.asp?source=&symb=AAPL&sid=609&time=&bars=1&bars=2">Options</a>: you don't buy the stock, but the option to buy the stock. I can't figure it out though. Looks like everyon expects the price to drop though, I think.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-06-29 14:34:27 +0000
Options and Margin trading are slippery slopes for me.

Posted by virtue on 2007-07-02 08:38:52 +0000
Or get it your phone for <a href=http://tech.blorge.com/Structure:%20/2007/06/26/how-to-land-your-iphone-for-300/>$300</a>.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-07-02 09:23:07 +0000
wow - always a loophole somewhere - interesting strategy.

where I stand, I guess there are too many hoops for that particular $300 strategy.

I will play with one if one passively comes my way (which I'm 99.9% sure it won't - oh well)

Otherwise I'm interested in what it does, but I'll let it breathe for 2 or 3 generations in hope of :
-better service providers
-greater memory
-lower costs

Posted by G lib on 2007-07-02 11:26:09 +0000
I'm a late adapter. My parents got their first CD player in 2003, and I got mine in 1998. However, I'm not as bad as Chippy-- he doesn't have a cell phone.

We'll probably get an iphone (or equivalent) when they start implanting chips into people and get rid of land lines altogether.

Posted by tgl on 2007-07-02 12:16:31 +0000
Keyboard gives new
meaning to "fat fingers".

I'm getting better just standing
here. Funny, iPhone suggested "DTs"
for "standing".

Posted by G lib on 2007-07-02 17:49:03 +0000
Lorbering-- Chippy will find his in the trash.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-07-02 19:07:44 +0000
Damn! That site kinda reminds me of this zine Jeremiah Buckley used to get called 2600. That was a fun read too.

Posted by virtue on 2007-07-03 06:29:48 +0000
Wow, I had no idea he walked that far on the wild side.

And hardly a zine--they were selling <a href=http://www.2600.com/>2600</a> at Hastings (the Southwest's answer to Barnes & Nobles) in Santa in 1997.

Personally, I always just read it for the pictures.

<img src=http://www.2600.com/phones/phonepics/bo001.jpg>

Posted by tgl on 2007-07-03 07:21:22 +0000
Oh! Snap!

Posted by Miriam on 2007-07-03 08:18:08 +0000
Watch "Trading Places" to get a better idea of just how slippery margins can be. Pork Bellies!

Posted by MF DU on 2007-07-05 16:05:25 +0000
<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/06/technology/06iphone.html?ex=1341374400&en=db56b8d2207314f1&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss">oops</a>.

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