Spam on, WTF?
OK, we've gotten a second user registered solely for spamming. Do we support:
A. Turning off automatic register, so that a new user must be approved by the site admin? (I could even create additional "new user approval users" to make the process speedier).
B. Investigate a Captcha like system to make it hard for automated spamming systems to register and post dreck?
C. Nuthin'
Notice I'm not using a poll.
BTW, once I'm on lunch break again with a charged camera phone, and I'm not in Saugus, I have to take a photo_the_ _perfect_ sidewalk graffiti.
Looks like 5.1 is available too, everyone ready for an upgrade?
We now have spam filtering in place. (Anyone want to be a spam administer?* So posts with more than 5** links are considered spam, duplicate (2 or more) posts are considered spam, and I forget the other filters. I can add regex and URL filters too, but we'll see how it goes with plain vainlla settings. All spam posts to date have been multiple links to the same domain, which should easier trigger the filter.
* Spam administrators get "mark as spam", "mark as not spam", and "a-third-link-I-can't-remember" next their "reply" links.
** Numerical values are settings which can be changed.
(with the provision that if we get legit snail mail for any of the spammers that we put them on every drug and pornographic mailing databse available to man)
<a href="/user/zimydbw">zimydbw</a>
This account is new with the last day:
<a href="/user/logwvredipcnmv">logwvredipcnmv</a>
No posts yet, I'd be interested to see if the filter blocks anything.
<img src="">
I gave up and retried later and it worked fine. Weird.
Until I "mark as not spam" no one should be able to see the posts.
Thanks for patience as I tweak the parameters.
What happened to the tags on posts? I want to see who said what.
<img src="">
<img src="">