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Posted by rladew on 2004-09-08 16:13:57 +0000

If I dont have anything nice to say, I wont sayanythingatall

I would be happy to continue political discussions in e-mail, face to face, or by some other means, but these postings lack tone, humor and any real learning from myself or others.

Im also shocked that no one else chimes in besides the usual suspects here. Neither side of our argument is making any progress in convincing the other. and Im tired of slinging back contradicting URLs back and forth like we are proving a point to one another. To me it feels like watching a tennis match of equal witted oponents.

If the smilies irritate, I apologize, I feel like its the same as an automated "Oh snap" kind of thing where I can just say that I disagree.

The only thing I will have to say in the future in Politik would be those Smilies, so if everyone is pissed off by that and feels it is of no use or value, I will just have to restrain myself from reading and posting because I do disagree and baiting me to respond wont work.

My intentions here are an act of respect for my friends in that no suit in Washington anytime anywhere with any political agenda will influence who I choose as friends which are much more important than political platforms or partisanship. I don't want to be afraid to speak my mind with my friends, but neither am I looking to star an inflammatory war which could cost me the respect or friendship of people that I value and respect highly.

Posted by on 2004-09-08 17:19:01 +0000
I don't participate in 'politik' because I don't vote, or care about politics at all.

Posted by on 2004-09-08 17:25:57 +0000
Just teasing, Rich.

I just think that politics is more effectively discussed in person, preferrably with a liberal (no pun intended) dosing of alcoholic beverages to help lubricate the discussion.

Posted by on 2004-09-08 18:12:39 +0000
Im right there with ya on that :)

Posted by on 2004-09-08 18:27:24 +0000
As far as I can tell there was never a URL to disprove anything I have written in Politik. (If you found some, please send them.) I think there is wit, education and a specific tone. And I have certainly made progress, because those I disagree with can no longer defend their side on some issues. It is a small victory, because I like open discussion. Instead of a tennis match, I will practice my serve....

Posted by on 2004-09-08 18:29:01 +0000
I just think that politics is more effectively discussed in person, preferrably with a liberal (no pun intended) dosing of alcoholic beverages to help lubricate the discussion.
Great, then we can say what we _really_ feel.

Posted by on 2004-09-08 18:32:09 +0000
dawn, that last post was baiting me. e-mail me and we can certainny continue this, but I am done with political debates on the site. Thanks!

Look forward to hearing from you

dawn wrote:
And I have certainly made progress, because those I disagree with can no longer defend their side on some issues. It is a small victory, because I like open discussion. Instead of a tennis match, I will practice my serve....

Posted by on 2004-09-08 18:38:19 +0000
I happen to like this forum: it is closest to a debate in Congress, where we hear a variety of opinions and facts from many people, and we draw individual conclusions to make the best group decisions.
"Politics is the art of compromise." -JFK

Posted by on 2004-09-08 18:51:18 +0000
Why do message boards so quickly digress to drama?
Rich, you would still be posting if someone had your back.
Dawn, you would eventually sound like an idiot if everyone was against you.

I guess the point is...you are all wrong and nobody cares.

PS-Rich...who shot JFK?

Posted by on 2004-09-08 18:52:22 +0000
Texas is the reason that the president's dead.

Posted by on 2004-09-08 18:53:33 +0000
That shit's good. Thanks for opening my third eye, Rory.

Posted by on 2004-09-08 18:55:51 +0000
Watch it or I'll stick to your brown eye bub.

Posted by on 2004-09-08 18:57:15 +0000
(The oval office!)

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