Least favorite words
Many of you know that my least favorite words are
but I have a new one...
I don't know what bothers me about this, it just does.
Anyone else willing to reveal?
(BTW-- I'm deliberatly changing the topic, as you probably know.)
What's wrong with a post-snoodle hazelnut coffee on the bedding?
Rich (no offense dude), when refering to food.
Alone or together these words make my skin crawl.
Ill have to get back to you on this...
good thread glib !
I would add:
mealy curdle leech placid
G(lib), what is a snoodle? It sounds like a snot noodle.
SOLUTION - This word used to mean a liquid containing solvents. Now everyone uses it a something relating to an answer.
PROACTIVE - I don't think I have explain this one.
Although I like alienate and empower, Rich, I'm with you on bifurcate and attrition. Funny because the attrition thing is less than a month old...
Aside from that, my current favorite annoying verbal tic is 'actually.' As in 'Can I actually get a salad?'
On the same track is when someone's in a hurry and says 'Can I just get a _______,' adding more syllables to the transaction at the table and slowing things down ever so slightly. Ugh.Worse when used in conjunction with 'actually.'
slacks (as in trousers, not the verb form which is fine)
becoming (as in, "those slacks are very becoming on you")
Rory_Stark is right about panties. I was thinking about this a while, and I'm convinced we need a replacement. The brits have something going with "knickers". Thoughts?
along with utilized (and this is a phrase here so Im bending the rules) what about "gentlly used" can we find the mf who coined that phrase and severely beat him or her for bastardizing our wonderful English language?
How about we stick with the generic "Underwear"?
PS. Eliza-- a snoodle is a snot.
I think what I can't stand is swallowed sounds. Like "ULNa" "HazULNut" "uvULa"
The letter U= evil. Maybe I can avoid *sing them at all?
bright eyed and bushy tailed - what are you a fucking rabbit
testies - I'm gettin a little testy
balm - makes me feel dirty
panties - don't be a hater
new word
chooch - someone who is lame
"In so far as" or "In and of itself"
Do they count?