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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by tgl on 2007-07-27 05:16:35 +0000

07/26/07 (No. 0726)

No clues for Across entries that start on the left hand side of the grid. While that was noted above the clues, I didn't see the placement until about an hour staring at this thing. Even after that, I couldn't get any answers, assuming the answers wrapped from the right hand border.

Filled in the top-middle, that was it. I think I've reached my skill level (Thursday). Although, the "trick" clues is a mitigating circumstance.

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-07-27 06:27:11 +0000
TGL coming through. Give the next couple days a shot, even if you can't get squat. You'd be suprised how much that improves you overall.

Posted by tgl on 2007-07-27 06:33:56 +0000
By the way... the numbering scheme seems obvious, but isn't it a bit redundant to list 07/26/07 0726 (or can you have more than one on a single day)?

0726 needs a year to be unique, so why not number it 20070726?

Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-07-27 06:41:21 +0000
That numbering is for the 900 number you call to get the answers. I agree it's not a good system because 7/26/07, 7/26/08 and 7/26/89 are all 0726. Reason for the numbering in the first place is newspapers who carry the <i>syndicated</i> version of the Times puzzles run them six weeks after they ran in the Times. So they can still get money from the 900 number. They make so much money on the puzzle, Will Shortz's salary is taken care of exclusively by the 900 number.

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