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Posted by virtue on 2007-07-31 04:21:40 +0000

Negativland ticket up for grabs

Mister Du is unable to make it, so there's an extra ticket available. If interested, contact jbcardinale.

Posted by virtue on 2007-07-31 04:24:17 +0000
Also, posted the ticket to a different list serv I'm on, and got this fantastic, and anonymous, personal reply (to a two line email). Hopefully, this venting will let them save on their blood pressure meds...

Wow! Hadn't come across something like this in a long time. It's impressive the length some people go to sell a ticket that costs 15 bucks, for some show that might be just as cheap. Perhaps you could try something different‹for a change, and maybe the woman/man who won't show up might
appreciate it‹and offer it for free to whoever would be willing, and grateful, to accept it for free. It might make you feel better too. There is no value to money unless you are able to experience the joy of spending it without expecting to be paid back!!! Of course, you know there's always a pay back, even when not expected, but heartfelt gratitude, a thank you, might not be good enough for some.

My last mean advice is for you to watch your public actions, if you care at all not to alienate beautiful strangers who try to remain connected to one another in some ways because there is trust that ³Johnny² strangers will are
closer to us and even ³better² than stranger strangers.

Too bad you don't seem to have a friend to go with. Sending out notes like this is no way to make friends either. Enjoy your show...as I'm enjoying your performance...grrr

No sufficient honor(ability) without magnanimity!

PSsst: My response is extremely unkind. So I refuse to take pity on you and leave you and your hopes of getting your 15 bucks back alone. The utterly disappointing (miserly) taste of your note deserves nothing less. Or else, I must have very sensitive taste buds when it comes to money matters and extra concert hall tickets.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-07-31 05:02:54 +0000
Wow - I am fine with putting up the $ as I was the one to commit to it. What a crazy listserv response. We should put it into one of those text-to -speech programs, record it to a CDR and send it to Negativland.

Maybe it will wind up being in one of their collages someday.

<i>"Enjoy your show...as I'm enjoying your performance...grrr" </i>
May be a good candidate to be on the banner when people grow tired of <i>"Once I've replied, you are denied!"</i>

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-07-31 05:40:39 +0000
Wow. That reads like the borderline-psycho <i>"clean your room and wash your dishes or ELSE"</i> notes a friend of mine used to leave for his socially backward housemates.

Oh, and also? That person thinks they're Forrest Whitaker in Ghost Dog.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-07-31 06:56:10 +0000
<b><i>LOVE</b></i> that film. I like his (Ghost Dog's) buddy in the Ice Cream truck.

Although, now I sound like I'm defending this crackpot, which I'm not.

This person has no idea how much he/she should be thanking the heavens that virtue was cool enough to share the awesomeness of Negativland with others.

Is the show sold out?

Posted by virtue on 2007-07-31 06:52:53 +0000
Actually, I have no idea if the show id sold out--it seems like it ought to be, if it isn't.

Mostly I'm just entertained that this person found so much to deconstruct from a straight forward account of who what where when and how much. But then again, that might account for the lack of accuracy.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-07-31 07:22:06 +0000
Mmm, yummy <a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0207218/">Ice Cream Man</a>. One of my favorites.

Posted by tgl on 2007-07-31 07:28:23 +0000
My response:

"I'll gladly take $15 from you if that'd increase your joy, stranger. Now excuse me while rest up from going to these impressive lengths."

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-07-31 07:45:53 +0000
It isn't sold out.

In any case, I once sold a spare ticket while in line for a show, and the guy I sold it to was obviously surprised and grateful that I just wanted the face value for it. Which is... the <i>normal</i> reaction. I reckon.

Posted by jbcardinale on 2007-07-31 07:51:31 +0000
It's still my ticket at this point. And I may just give it to a random stranger just for the joy of it. Two other shows that only I may be interested in:

09/25 - The Cinematic Orchestra @ The Paradise
10/10 - Digitalism @ The Middle East ($10)

Posted by jbcardinale on 2007-08-02 07:05:21 +0000
Upon entry, audience members were given "pinata" blindfolds so that one could have an enhanced radio experience. The show was a mock radio show "It's All in Your Head FM". First part was an hour and 20 minutes with an intermission, second part was an hour. I would simply describe it as brilliant sound collage performed live. The content concerned God, the godless, religion, humans and their brains. Tons of spoken word samples, deftly juxtaposed, sliced and diced. I remember one part from the second half where a childrens chorus singing "God Only Knows" is mixed with a reading of a suicide bomber's description of their instructions for carrying out their mission. Yet it was all done with a sense of humor. Entertaining and thought provoking, too bad, y'all couldn't make it.
BTW: Definitely the oldest crowd I ever seen at the Middle East, the over 40's far outnumbered the under 30's.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-02 07:31:00 +0000
thanks for the update -I am super sorry I had to neg out.

did you find a ticket reimburser? If not - please let me know how to make you whole!



Posted by virtue on 2007-08-02 07:52:41 +0000
I actually wore my blindfold for most of the performance, and found that it definitely increased the sensation of listening to a live radio broadcast.

It was broadcast live on <a href=http://events.mit.edu/scripts/event_ext.pl?event=7839170&location=http://wmbr.org/&groupid=284>WMBR</a>.

Posted by jbcardinale on 2007-08-02 08:12:27 +0000
I did sell it in line for a slight discount. You can let me play a record on your radio show. It will be a good excuse to take a drive out west.

Posted by jbcardinale on 2007-08-02 08:13:15 +0000
The string broke on mine, so I just closed my eyes.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-02 08:42:27 +0000
Click on "Intentionally Left Blank" Link from 08/01/2007 10:00 pm <a href="http://wmbr.org/cgi-bin/arch">here</a>

and enjoy...

(there's not a lot of functionality in the way of pause, rew, ff, etc, but I can capture it to a cd later when I get home tonight if folks are interested..)

Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-02 08:50:51 +0000
Did they have <a href="http://www.negativland.com/nmol/cds.html#iaiyh">any other cool stuff</a> at the merch table?

Posted by virtue on 2007-08-02 09:05:55 +0000
I didn't even look at the merch table, DU. Sorry.

Posted by G lib on 2007-08-06 06:27:24 +0000
My response:


Oh wait, I might not even bother with the period. Pompous asswipe.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-06 06:29:27 +0000
name the time and date my friend!

Posted by jbcardinale on 2007-08-07 11:51:12 +0000
sent an email to your comcast and yahoo accts....

Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-10 08:55:58 +0000
thanks to tons of patience and Cool Edit Pro, Complete show audio captured.

Pretty stunning.

the children's choir of 'God Only Knows' and the might makes right stuff were cool.

I think it will be a 2 cd set. Holla if interested.

Posted by jbcardinale on 2007-08-10 12:53:56 +0000
I'd like a copy. You can hold onto it and I'll pick it up when I make it out that way.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-12 17:21:17 +0000

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