For all the sonic get well cards Nels has delivered to me, I certainly hope he gets over his chicken pox soon.
Thats pretty dangerous later in life, isn't it?
Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-08-14 04:47:24 +0000
Apparently it's dangerous mainly in adults with already-compromised immune systems. So provided he isn't being treated for cancer or HIV, he should recover within a week or so. But that week or so will not be pleasant. See here.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-14 04:51:32 +0000
I got it at 4 or 5.
Not looking forward to when / if it comes the way of Maddie Nigs.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-08-14 06:24:39 +0000
My neighbor Dorie got it at age 5, and all the neighborhood kids were forced to go over and play with her all day, to get it over with. 6 months later she got the mumps and the neighborhood moms did the same thing again. Pretty convenient, actually. Find yourself a Dorie.