I downloaded itunes 7.2 and now I can't add music to my ipod. I've done everything the tutorial says, and I'm sure it's something simple-- I just can't figure out what.
Any ideas?
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-14 05:14:53 +0000
Mine just stopped displaying album artwork which didnt bug me at first, but I have to be honest, I kind of miss it.
I also suspect the new itunes software that accomodates iphone is somehow to blame.
How much music is on yrs, Glibby? If you did a hard reset and started over would it be a humungo pain in the ass?
Posted by G lib on 2007-08-14 05:15:47 +0000
I did that, sadly. The reason I did a hard reset was because I couldn't add music-- now I have no music on it, and can't add music, so it's completely empty. At least before I could listen to the same old stuff.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-14 05:46:29 +0000
what kind of computer do you have mac or pc?
what if any error messages are you getting?
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-08-14 06:02:00 +0000
Having a problem with my old-school B&W 40 Gigger... Suddenly claims I have a corrupted iPod. If you're so technically inclined, you might consider poking around <a href="http://www.ilounge.com">here</a> I think you'll find some answers.
Posted by tgl on 2007-08-14 08:44:58 +0000
When syncing with iTunes, you can select whether album artwork should be copied to the iPod. Yours might be unselected (mine was default on).
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-14 08:50:48 +0000
I'll drill down further in the software than I usually do - maybe maddie or I fat fingered a command inadvertently...
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-14 09:11:00 +0000
Tommy (and TGL) are prettty much right about stuff:
I have to embrace change at work, home, and I guess my Ipod is no exception.
Where is the last bastion of 'if it ain't broke'?
Dear Steve Jobs: I know I have to get used to it but, really, leave me the f**** alone with all of yr $%#$#$% changes... grr.
Posted by deejayhubris on 2007-08-14 09:11:13 +0000
although I'm not allowed to have a Technics SL1200 in my cube...
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-14 09:13:38 +0000
I so want an SL12. My kenwood beltdrive=lame
My other car is an SL1200.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-14 09:14:47 +0000
sorry I kinda hijacked G lib's original issue.
G lib: are you getting any error messages?
Posted by tgl on 2007-08-14 12:20:51 +0000
I've been watching turntables on ebay, haven't tried to "win" anything yet.
Posted by G lib on 2007-08-14 13:13:55 +0000
No. Everything <i>seems</i> fine until I try to drag and drop music into my ipod from itunes. Here's what I've done so far in terms of troubleshooting:
1. Downloaded itunes latest version.
2. Deleted itunes and re-installed it.
3. Updated my computer
4. Rebooted computer, ipod, computer than ipod, etc. etc.
5. Went to Mahatma's mac lounge and followed all of the instructions there. Turns out I did everything on the site, as far as I could see.
6. Discussed it with my colleague who has the same machine (and had the same problem), he said go to the mac geniuses at the mall and they would do it in about 5 seconds.
7. Went to the mac store and tried to get it done-- they told me I couldn't get an appointment until Thursday, and I couldn't schedule one at the store for any other time.
8. Told the 16 y.o. girl to f*ck herself loudly in the store
9. Swept all of the stupid iphones onto the floor of the store and punched a customer.
Posted by G lib on 2007-08-14 13:14:29 +0000
L: I have a pc.
Posted by tgl on 2007-08-14 14:33:07 +0000
Screenshots, please.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-14 17:13:07 +0000
Re: Points 8 and 9:
See, now, who says nothing positive comes out of NWA listening in high school?
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-14 17:18:51 +0000
IMHO, 99.9% of honest sales seem to be "buy it nows" most people bidding know good deals up to a point and let people who dont know the prices fight it out the rest of the way.
I will <a href="http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/columnist/2006-06-25-physics-of-ebay_x.htm">snipe</a> every once and a while when I have to, but largely not on e-bay these days anymore.
My sis swears by Craig's list, but thats proabbaly old news at this point, too.
BTW: My player is back to its artwork loving self. Thanks TGL (I like to think Pissed Jeans sounds better when I can see the homoerotic image on the front of 'Hope For Men')
Posted by tommy on 2007-08-14 17:30:16 +0000
And pictures of the store incident! (especially if the clerk did as commanded!)
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-15 04:23:04 +0000
that's Dirrrty
Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-08-15 04:43:27 +0000
I salute Tommy for showing solidarity. :o)
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-15 05:14:31 +0000
side note: in my zeal to restore artwork for new sonic additions, I inadvertently deleted 50 gigs worth of albums artworks. d'oh!
Pissed Jeans, Joy Division, Misfits, Slick Rick, and Ice Cube all have artwork. Pretty much everything else doesn't. (Isn't that kind of like the ending of Superman 2 where the exiles / baddies from Krypton think they are about to dominate just to find out that S man took all of their junk away from them? probably not, but its all I could think of with only one small coffee this am)
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-08-15 05:31:44 +0000
Well thank Christ the Pissed Jeans artwork didn't disappear.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-15 05:40:37 +0000
fuckin A
Posted by G lib on 2007-08-15 05:41:54 +0000
See! I didn't get it AGAIN, until someone pointed it out to me.
I'm jealous.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-15 07:13:16 +0000
The more I've thought about this, there really should have been a #10:
Urinating on the floor really would have added an appropriate punctuation to the exchange, but that's just me.
Wow. The solution for those with penis envy who don't want to wet their pants on the road.
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-08-21 06:41:13 +0000
CTP recommended <a href="http://oldversion.com/">this website</a> to me last night. Downloaded iTunes 6, et voila! The computer recognized FLETCHER again and I'm back in bizness.
Posted by tgl on 2007-08-21 07:02:32 +0000
No <i>MS Word 3.1</i> though.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-21 07:37:34 +0000
Posted by G lib on 2007-08-21 08:57:51 +0000
7.0 worked for me. THANKS EVERYONE!
Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-21 09:46:41 +0000
Posted by Corby Trouser Press on 2007-08-22 04:18:00 +0000
I also suspect the new itunes software that accomodates iphone is somehow to blame.
How much music is on yrs, Glibby? If you did a hard reset and started over would it be a humungo pain in the ass?
what if any error messages are you getting?
<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1010/1117985860_0536d939d5.jpg">
this must be a new software feature.
I have to embrace change at work, home, and I guess my Ipod is no exception.
Where is the last bastion of 'if it ain't broke'?
Dear Steve Jobs: I know I have to get used to it but, really, leave me the f**** alone with all of yr $%#$#$% changes... grr.
although I'm not allowed to have a Technics SL1200 in my cube...
My other car is an SL1200.
G lib: are you getting any error messages?
1. Downloaded itunes latest version.
2. Deleted itunes and re-installed it.
3. Updated my computer
4. Rebooted computer, ipod, computer than ipod, etc. etc.
5. Went to Mahatma's mac lounge and followed all of the instructions there. Turns out I did everything on the site, as far as I could see.
6. Discussed it with my colleague who has the same machine (and had the same problem), he said go to the mac geniuses at the mall and they would do it in about 5 seconds.
7. Went to the mac store and tried to get it done-- they told me I couldn't get an appointment until Thursday, and I couldn't schedule one at the store for any other time.
8. Told the 16 y.o. girl to f*ck herself loudly in the store
9. Swept all of the stupid iphones onto the floor of the store and punched a customer.
See, now, who says nothing positive comes out of NWA listening in high school?
I will <a href="http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/columnist/2006-06-25-physics-of-ebay_x.htm">snipe</a> every once and a while when I have to, but largely not on e-bay these days anymore.
My sis swears by Craig's list, but thats proabbaly old news at this point, too.
BTW: My player is back to its artwork loving self. Thanks TGL (I like to think Pissed Jeans sounds better when I can see the homoerotic image on the front of 'Hope For Men')
Pissed Jeans, Joy Division, Misfits, Slick Rick, and Ice Cube all have artwork. Pretty much everything else doesn't. (Isn't that kind of like the ending of Superman 2 where the exiles / baddies from Krypton think they are about to dominate just to find out that S man took all of their junk away from them? probably not, but its all I could think of with only one small coffee this am)
I'm jealous.
Urinating on the floor really would have added an appropriate punctuation to the exchange, but that's just me.
Ah well, maybe next time.
"Biting the hand that feeds IT " I love it.