Hey The Duane: Here's a New Token For You!
<img src="
<img src="http://www.usmint.gov/images/mint_programs/$1coin/picEdgeLettering_stack.jpg">
Pay attention to the side markings, or we will never find the lost ark of the covenant in the well of souls.
Maybe we will like <a href="http://www.usmint.gov/mint_programs/$1coin/index.cfm?flash=yes&action=Jefferson">Dead Men</a> more than Dead Women Susan B Anthony and Sacagawea.
Here's to diversity...
Whats more is he cant even extend the commom courtesey of all caps.
I don't know about fellow RSN'ers, but I actually feel like the Duane is yelling at me if he doesn't type in all caps.
When its all caps, it feels like home, you know?
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/royrogerslocations/Roast_Beef_Tray_Ad.jpg">
A Roy Rogers Roast Beef Sandwich!