Dirty Projectors - "Rise Above"
So trippy and fucked that you might not even notice the Black Flag thievery.
Record is <a href ="http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=9B19B6CD687C9C2C"> here </a>, writeup is <a href ="http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/page/news/43730-dirty-projectors-redo-black-flag-sorta-on-new-lp"> here </a>.
<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1220/977587260_9ca90a8886.jpg?v=0">
The idea is awesome, but IMHO it would have been better if they went to re-record this without referring to the original, but they went to record it in the way that they remembered the 'damaged' record to exist instead f taking license with it.
The attack on the DP record seems to be that they made their weird ambience and warbled some B Flag lyrics over the top.
If you tried to recreate the riffs by memory as well as the lyrics it would be the best of both worlds - it would please the camp that would want to hear something B Flag esque, yet it would also enthrall those listeners who have an affinity for 'outsider music' in revelling in all the wonderful pieces that would be lost or drastically altered in translation.
I mean with the DP stuff - you might as well just give Jandek a Black Flag lyrics sheet and have him deliver the words over his clamor...
Sounds kind of like Dexy's Midnight Runners with ELO's back-up singers.
I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
The Dirty Projectors thing seems to me to be Dirty Projectors music with a loose recitation of G Ginn lyrics over the top.
What I didn't understand is that before D Projectors recorded the album proper, there was a demo made first of what could be remembered of the Damage album without actually referring to it. That demo was then shared with the rest of the D Projectors and then the album that we were listening was made.
I thought upon first listen that that demo tape was what I was going to hear.
It has nothing to do with being bent out of shape of likeness vs. differences.
My personal experience was that I didn't hear D Projectors take any elements (melodies, textures , rhythms) of the original stuff and work it into any new concept at all. I heard the D projectors music (which was interesting IMHO) with recycled lyrics pasted on top.
maybe I need to go back and listen again.
I know it's not a song for song response per se, but has Henry, Greg or anybody else from Black Flag said anything about this?
The Dirty Projectors record came out at the same time as <a href ="http://www.amazon.com/Enter-Naomi-L-That/dp/0962761230/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/104-8283061-0041561?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1192769039&sr=8-1"> Carducci's book, </a> which contains all sortsa insight as to Ginn's lyrics, esp. on some of the lesser songs (including the ones that the Projectors cover).
The book and the new record made me go back and reconsider 'Damaged' -- for years I listened to that one the least because I thought Henry ruined it. 'Rise Above' would be worthy of praise for that reason alone, but the fact of the matter is that it's fucking bananas. In my top five of the year.
Does it respect the original material? (yes, even though it's a funny concept there's not a single goddamn tongue implanted in not one cheek)
Does it say something new with new arrangements? (yes: "Police Story")
Is it entertaining? (yes)
Does it remind you of the original and why you like the original? (I'm saying a hesitant but resounding "yes")
Do they make it their own? (yes)