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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-09-09 20:29:54 +0000

****What the hell is this?

As brought up on talkingpointsmemo.com, the Bush administration, has sank to a new low. Look at the 8th question:


Well all know that the Bush administration's Press office has -without precedent- edited transcripts, mostly justifiably because Bush has a lot trouble speaking (I don't mean that to be an insult, but he does say things that don't make sense.) There have been occasional misuses of this, but they have been rare and relatively minor. But this is insane.

Here it is, in the middle of the transcript, a rebutal that was never spoken at the briefing and cannot be refuted, even though what the footnote states has been brought into question by documents the White House released! What the fuck!

The lack of ethics is shocking. Some one please stop this administarion!

Posted by on 2004-09-09 20:39:15 +0000
I heard they gave up editing the transcripts of Bush's remarks b/c it was just too much work.

A letter to the editor in this month's Atlantic points out Bush's speaking skills have eroded in the past 10 years, he didn't used to be so bad. The writer postulates that Bush might be suffering from pre-senile dementia.

The asterisked rebutal is a little sketchy, in a transcript no-less. The Administration has other ethical issues that are a bit bigger, I think. Once again, the Press Gaggle is a delightful read.

Posted by on 2004-09-09 21:42:32 +0000
What would it be like if Clinton did this:

Mr. Starr: Did you have sex with Ms. Lewinsky?
Clinton: I did not have sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky.*
*He did not, because according to Mr. Starr's definitions, sexual relations is performing oral sex on or have intercourse with the other. Mr. Clinton did neither.

I just realized that this is not even as bad as Bush, because the Clinton * is true to everyone's knowledge; no one argues this. While Bush had to release papers Tuesday (thank you Freedom of Info Act.) that clearly refutes their *.

I'm about to cry....

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