We saw the Minor Threat Dischord video on Tuesday night, Dawn.
The Netflix description is a bit misleading- 'Another State of Mind' is a film about Youth Brigade and Social D. touring back in the day. Said tour includes a stop at Dischord House and some cameos by Ian and Minor Threat.
It's totally entertaining- in addition to the 'back in the day' type mystique, you get a pre-tat, pre-rockabilly (or whatever) Mike Ness looking and acting really stoned as he struggles to write a song that sums up the tour as he wears a lot of makeup and is way scrawny.
I just saw it recently- some of Kim's old roommates had a copy on VHS. Just released on DVD in the past few weeks- interested as to what the bonus features are. Have you seen it yet, Rich?
Posted by on 2004-09-10 11:32:41 +0000
not at all, (and I did "oversimplify" the content for my own selfish purposes of this post)
Of cue of 146 DVDs, I pushed this right to the top.
I just finished "On the Waterfront" w/ Brando and am now watching a documentary about Shaolin Kung Fu Monks with a soundtrack by John Zorn, thank you very much.
Rock and Roll High School and Another State of Mind up next...
Posted by on 2004-09-10 17:33:21 +0000
I just sent back 'Carnal Knowledge' and am expecting 'Curse of the Bambino.' Huzzah!
Posted by on 2004-09-10 18:17:29 +0000
If its the Bambino thing Im thinking of (Denis Leary dan shaughnessy et al) you're in for a treat... I saw this on HBO last year.
Bucky Fuckin Dent....
Posted by on 2004-09-10 19:53:20 +0000
I'm pretty sure I have seen it. Mike Ness is wearing a lot of eye liner, no?
Posted by on 2004-09-10 22:01:48 +0000
Posted by on 2004-09-25 03:55:17 +0000
Just finished Another state of Mind:
Would have been great if it was actually a found VHS with 10 layers of dust on it, but I cant see why it was even put to DVD other than historical preservation. Very hard to hear people's testimonals / sloppy edits etc. For early to mid 80's it was fine, but hard to understand what people were saying
Interesting I spose to see Ness in earlier times (though in the video he says Social D was formed in 1978.
M. Threat was in it for 2 seconds, but even then you can just hear how freekin tight they were. the famed Haagen Dazs shop which employed Ian and Henry appeared, which was also interesting. Ian sounds like he has a cold while we hear the often repeated straight edge spiel.
Not surprising how many people bailed on the communal tour around the perimeter of North America (a few scenes had the lead singer of Youth Brigrade being interviewed underneath a map N. America with this huge red outline of them travelling in what sort of looks like an outline of the continent with overlap into Winnipeg). If the Black Flag memoirs were called "Get In the Van", this might be subtitled "Get Out of the Bus - and Push! (with 10 guys!)"
Again - interesting from a historical perspective of early to mid 80's punk / HC, but I wouldn't think it would lend itself to repeat viewings. I would be interested to see what a lot of the 'misunderstood' kid interviewees look like / think now almost 25 years later....
I wonder if Boston was on this particular tour.
Posted by on 2004-09-25 17:50:18 +0000
There's very little in the way of documentation regarding that tour (which shouldn't come as any kind of surprise, really.) I'm not sure when Boston started being on the map- that book of flyers that I gave you, Rich, should lend clues, maybe. SSD started having bands in like 81-2.
The Netflix description is a bit misleading- 'Another State of Mind' is a film about Youth Brigade and Social D. touring back in the day. Said tour includes a stop at Dischord House and some cameos by Ian and Minor Threat.
It's totally entertaining- in addition to the 'back in the day' type mystique, you get a pre-tat, pre-rockabilly (or whatever) Mike Ness looking and acting really stoned as he struggles to write a song that sums up the tour as he wears a lot of makeup and is way scrawny.
I just saw it recently- some of Kim's old roommates had a copy on VHS. Just released on DVD in the past few weeks- interested as to what the bonus features are. Have you seen it yet, Rich?
Of cue of 146 DVDs, I pushed this right to the top.
I just finished "On the Waterfront" w/ Brando and am now watching a documentary about Shaolin Kung Fu Monks with a soundtrack by John Zorn, thank you very much.
Rock and Roll High School and Another State of Mind up next...
Bucky Fuckin Dent....
Would have been great if it was actually a found VHS with 10 layers of dust on it, but I cant see why it was even put to DVD other than historical preservation. Very hard to hear people's testimonals / sloppy edits etc. For early to mid 80's it was fine, but hard to understand what people were saying
Interesting I spose to see Ness in earlier times (though in the video he says Social D was formed in 1978.
M. Threat was in it for 2 seconds, but even then you can just hear how freekin tight they were. the famed Haagen Dazs shop which employed Ian and Henry appeared, which was also interesting. Ian sounds like he has a cold while we hear the often repeated straight edge spiel.
Not surprising how many people bailed on the communal tour around the perimeter of North America (a few scenes had the lead singer of Youth Brigrade being interviewed underneath a map N. America with this huge red outline of them travelling in what sort of looks like an outline of the continent with overlap into Winnipeg). If the Black Flag memoirs were called "Get In the Van", this might be subtitled "Get Out of the Bus - and Push! (with 10 guys!)"
Again - interesting from a historical perspective of early to mid 80's punk / HC, but I wouldn't think it would lend itself to repeat viewings. I would be interested to see what a lot of the 'misunderstood' kid interviewees look like / think now almost 25 years later....
I wonder if Boston was on this particular tour.