He Made It Out Alright...(With a Bullet In His Back!)
Hey Epoisses - here's one for yr punk rawk class.
Cris Kirkwood was a little luckier with his GSW than <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burr-Hamilton_duel">Alexander Hamilton</a> was, but they were both shot in the back.
From today's <a href="http://www.boston.com/news/globe/living/articles/2007/09/02/extreme_turnaround/">Glob</a>. The article even has the requisite Mike Watt fagen.
Aaron Burr and Cris Kirkwood - Punk O.G.'s
(Self indulgent MF DU speculation: I wonder if parking lot lady critical of Mr. Kirkwoods's parking job leaned on her horn?...)