Maddie Nigs will be a big sister! 4 years apart for kids is good, right? That's what people keep telling me...
(And people thought this would be another pseudo press release for a movie - not quite.)
Posted by Epoisses on 2007-09-06 18:29:39 +0000
Garrison Nigs!
Posted by mahatma chani on 2007-09-07 01:11:48 +0000
Posted by tgl on 2007-09-07 02:07:25 +0000
Dropping children like Galileo dropped the oranges. My new one-handed diaper changing technique needs some work, so, 4 years sounds ideal. Good Luck.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-09-07 02:47:37 +0000
David Rees be damned: TGL's poop removal skills are UNSTOPPABLE
Posted by tommy on 2007-09-07 02:50:28 +0000
Posted by MF DU on 2007-09-07 02:54:16 +0000
thanks all - ultrasound .jpgs in October I think...
Posted by jbcardinale on 2007-09-07 03:07:36 +0000
Congratulations! It's my opinion there's no right or wrong of when to have children, there's plusses and minuses and all that. I'm sure Maddie will want to help take care of her sibling.
Posted by jbcardinale on 2007-09-07 03:13:35 +0000
How many times have you got hit by the pee stream?
Posted by Miriam on 2007-09-07 03:39:17 +0000
Posted by cdubrocker on 2007-09-07 03:42:52 +0000
Huzzah! Congratulations.
Posted by virtue on 2007-09-07 04:13:52 +0000
Many congratulations to you, the missus and mademoiselle Maddie--now the kids will have even numbers against the 'rents!
Posted by MF DU on 2007-09-07 04:15:59 +0000
I'm drawing an invisible line across the middle of the back seat. Don't make me pull this car over...
Posted by Miriam on 2007-09-07 04:26:40 +0000
I've found that singing often distracts from fighting. Especially if it's a song with a good chorus. Rocky Top has worked with my niece and nephew before. If you sing it enough, they start to learn the words and try to join in rather than hitting, kicking or biting each other or fighting over the same toy or snack. They spend their energy concentrating on learning the song instead.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2007-09-07 04:35:23 +0000
May I suggest teaching the kids 'Kerosene' by Big Black. Easy chorus.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-09-07 04:44:26 +0000
I can see I'm going to be making friends with all the local burn units...
GREAT JOB ON MAKING ANOTHER BABY!!!!!!!!!! YOUR ONE BABY IS ALREADY CUTE ENOUGH AND NOW ANOTHER!!!!! WE'RE GOING TO FUCKING PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
I'M AN UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by mr. mister on 2007-09-07 09:40:05 +0000
May your child be strong and able to lift many mules. con grats
Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-09-10 02:26:37 +0000
Sorry I'm so late to get on the congratowagon.
Awesome. Second kids are the best.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-09-10 02:31:58 +0000
4 years apart is supposed to be good, but make sure Maddie doesn't try to throw it down a well. My friend Zoe's big sister Jo tried that on her when she was fresh home from the hospital. They're the best of friends now, though - honest.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-09-10 03:01:12 +0000
no sweat - anytime is a good time for a ten D post!
<img src="">
I'M AN UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome. Second kids are the best.