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i ride sideways
Posted by tgl on 2004-09-10 19:17:21 +0000

News agencies are biased to the right in reporting.

Stories get buried (How many people know we bombed Falluja for the fourth straight day today?) and dishonest statements by this Adminstration are passed along as facts.

Posted by on 2004-09-10 19:51:29 +0000
Exactly, like the CNN headline, "Bush condemns Swift Boat Ad," when he never did.

Posted by on 2004-10-11 18:46:45 +0000
"Sinclair's top executives, including members of the controlling Smith family, have been strong financial supporters of Bush's campaign."


And now they can smear Kerry with their 62 TV stations in the critical swing states of Ohio, Florida, Iowa and Wisconsin. Shit is scary.

Side Note: former FCC chairman Reed Hundt has written Sinclair Broadcasting Group a letter of grievance and has threatened to take away their liscence, but since he's not with the FCC, the threat seems empty. Developing...

Posted by on 2004-10-11 19:17:48 +0000
Free speech, man. Sinclair can broadcast whatever they want over the public airwaves. Oops, "public airwaves".

I'd like to see the next Adminstration get fair market value for business use of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Posted by on 2004-10-11 19:50:17 +0000
I'm not saying Sinclair can't do this. They just need to recognize that they might lose their liscence over it, and they certainly lose respect from it.

But more importantly, it brought us back this thread. There are people out there who don't realize how far the media leans to the right....

Posted by on 2004-10-11 20:13:53 +0000
Which is why I was thinking to order threads by start date, not last post date...

Let's get back to Bush's Bulge!

The more I think about it, the more I think there is no bias. Sure, you got Limbaugh and American Spectator, but there is also the "culture of the left" on broadcast TV and movies.

It's good to have biased media, that way people will know, up front, what they are getting. Is there anyone that doesn't know FOX Cable News isn't batting left-handed?

That's not to mean that false reporting is OK, e.g., FOX News viewers and the al Qaeda-Iraq nexus.

If half the people say half the media is biased, and the other half say that half the media is biased... are we at an even see-saw?

This is from a guy who thinks that NYT and NPR are the gold standard for national news. I'd give it up to the BBC and the Economist (more opinion than news) for international news. Not sure what to make of Reuters or AP though, Knight Ridder seems to have reported credibly on Iraq from the start.

Posted by on 2004-10-11 20:42:09 +0000
Then I go check in with my favorite media crank: http://www.dailyhowler.com/dh101104.shtml

Posted by on 2004-10-11 21:05:14 +0000
I am not familiar with the "culture of the left."

I would say that more than half of the media lean right versus NPR.

Posted by on 2004-10-11 21:09:52 +0000
"culture of the left"

I guess I'm referencing the millitant P.C.-ism and such that was expounded upon by Leverin(?) in an article linked to by BQ a while back.

Just call me a flip-flopper on the media bias issue.

Posted by on 2004-10-11 22:01:45 +0000
Still, the Sinclair broadcasting of a 30 minute Swift Boat Vet's ad isn't really a free speech issue. The right to broadcast is given for public interest, not campaigning. In essence, it is Soviet era (and more recently Vladamir Putin era) election fraud, and the kind of thing that hurts the legitimacy of our democracy...

Posted by on 2004-10-11 22:50:38 +0000
I stand corrected; it is a 42 minute Swift Boat ad...

Posted by on 2004-10-11 23:01:45 +0000
My understanding is that it isn't about John Kerry's Swift Boat service, rather an attack on his anti-war activities when he returned home. A valid attack compared to what the Swifties started with.

I didn't intend to imply that I believed that Sinclair had a right to broadcast material of a political nature under the guise of Free Speech. Maybe if they played 42min. of 'Farenheit 9/11' afterwards to fulfill the requirement of "equal time"?

Posted by on 2004-10-11 23:16:18 +0000
Different topic, same people...

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