End Of Radio featuring Epoisses Podcast Parts 1-4
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewEndofRadiohead-MinutemenEdition/endofradiomikef1.mp3">Part 1</a>
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewEndofRadiohead-MinutemenEdition_Part2_/endofradiomikef2.mp3">Part 2</a>
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewEndofRadio-MinutemenEdition_Part3__0/endofradiomikef3.mp3">Part 3</a>
<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/RichLadewEndOfRadio-MinutemenEdition_Part4__2/endofradiomikef4.mp3">Part 4</a>
Right Click and select 'save as' to get the .mp3. Other wise, when you click, you will just be taken to a page that lets you listen.
Please note that <a href="http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Rich%20Ladew%22%20AND%20%28sst%29">archive.org</a> has these titled as 'End of Radiohead' which I typed in erroneousely - must have had Thom Yorke on the brain. Still trying to figure out how to change the description.
Each part is approx 30 minutes...
RSS just makes it easier for people to get the content. The regularity is inconsequential.
Every time DU says "double nickles on the dime" I hear "double nipples on the dime" though. Vaguely distracting.
Loved Wire. Got into them via Elastica. :o)
My computer must have some kind of bug.
I seem to be having trouble uploading (again). I have now been trying for almost two days striaght to get part 4 up.
I had odd java settings I cleared / cleaned up that enabled me to post the other three, but now I am getting all these error messages again.
Does anyone out there hear of common complaints of the archive.org site being painfully slow with uploads?
Note to Du / Self: always pick "MP3 / VBR" and not "128 MP3"...