steal stuff from work, get drunk for free!!
can anyone pinch some big (empty) water cooler jugs from their office?
Historic 3 Wadsworth is going to both enter and win the Sam Adams Home Brew competition and will have Wadbrau served at Patriots games all season, but first we need some fermenting containers...
I have several (6 or 8) 6.5 gallon glass carboys that can be loaned out for brewing.
I also have a few (2-3) 5 gallon glass carboys.
I also have kettles, burners, bottles, caps, cappers, whatever.
Gear is mostly in Holliston, bottles (~9 cases) are in Acton.
They're in Marlboro!
Making a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale clone as the first test batch:
8oz Crystal 30L
6oz Cara-Pils
6lbs light malt extract
1.5 oz Perle as bittering hops
2oz Cascade flavour and aroma (with another half oz to be used to dry hop later)
American ale yeast
I pitched the yeast this morning and everything looked and smelled good
bubble bubble toil and trouble
10D - could we possibly arrange to grab some stuff on Sunday afternoon/evening?
emitime - looks like we dont need those water bottles, thanks for the offer though
If you use extract, your beer will be approximately crappy. (give or take) If you aren't going to bother mashing, you're wasting your time. Period. I have gear to help you mash. I wish I still had my heat exchanger... maybe I can resurrect it...
Didn't get much hop aroma, but I'm getting ruined by.... Stone Ruination IPA.
Not as bitter as I'd like to start, maybe use 2oz of Perle instead of 1.5oz? Rounded out and got a grassy hop note towards the end. There was an off flavor in-between, sorta cinnamony? Not sure how to address that.