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Posted by Miriam on 2007-09-19 02:28:36 +0000


On a work call yesterday with a volunteer, and he asked if my work was still in my office, asked if the prices were reasonable, I told him my top price and he said, "stop right there." "Is that too high?" "No." "I could make it more if that's too reasonable." He's going to come check out my work, and is interested in the larger pieces! Wish me luck. I really hope he likes what I have; he and his wife are way cool and I would be honored to have one of my paintings in their home...in their daughter's room, no less!

Posted by virtue on 2007-09-19 02:35:14 +0000
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Posted by MF DU on 2007-09-19 03:01:40 +0000
fantastic! good work!

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-09-19 03:09:21 +0000
Sister, as soon as I have the money, I'm totally getting an original Mir on my wall. You don't need luck, you have talent. But I'll say "good luck" all the same.

Posted by pchippy on 2007-09-19 04:44:34 +0000
I have an original Mir on MY wall. Doesn't everybody?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-09-19 04:49:11 +0000
Only the uber-chic, dahling.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-09-19 04:54:58 +0000
In our 100+ year house, I have occasional small rodents IN my walls. Doesen't everybody?

Posted by Miriam on 2007-09-19 05:37:28 +0000
The rodents are generally in my yard (dead) or in my garden (mangy).

Posted by Miriam on 2007-09-19 05:38:12 +0000
Right now it's more about motivating to make more so I can sell more or give more to my near and dear...including you!

Posted by Miriam on 2007-09-19 05:38:32 +0000
Is it still upside-down?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-09-19 06:13:14 +0000
Wheee! Make more! I could probably afford to treat myself later this year... :o)

Posted by Miriam on 2007-09-19 10:15:04 +0000
Ooh! Incentive!

Posted by pchippy on 2007-09-20 00:23:13 +0000
Impossible to tell.

Now, if the artist had actually signed her work, it would be a simple matter...

Posted by Miriam on 2007-09-20 02:39:39 +0000
Details. Besides, it would ruin the composition.

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