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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by MF DU on 2007-09-26 13:44:54 +0000

Now I Wanna Screen Some Film

Just cause I will certainly miss this <a href="http://www.landmarktheatres.com/Films/films_frameset.asp?id=63084">Oct 1st Kendall Screening of the new live Ramones film</a> doesn't mean local Boston folk should.

Posted by G lib on 2007-09-27 00:20:01 +0000
Hey DU, when are we going to see the scrolls? Did we ever decide?

Posted by MF DU on 2007-09-27 00:50:02 +0000
Yes - I was just gonna bump the thread. this Saturday the 29th.

Posted by tommy on 2007-09-28 11:10:09 +0000
I can't make it this Saturday, but this weekend is also Lowell Open Studios. Check it out if you're interested:


My buddy Frank will be setting up shop in the Western Ave. Studios.

Posted by mr. mister on 2007-10-01 00:44:54 +0000
Now I wanna screen some scrolls. erverybody wanna screen some scrolls!

Posted by MF DU on 2007-10-01 01:53:44 +0000
stay tuned for a new thread with pix of the Nigs and co. kickin it free prose style!

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