Push mower
I really wanted to like you, push mower, but after an hour and barely a third of my tiny lawn mowed, you're out. I'd rather have had the old golf-club style lawn chopper.
Maybe I should get a better one with adjustable height; the idea of using a motorized mower for a tenth of an acre seems ridiculous.
Maybe the blades aren't sharp enough?
If you're going over the same spot again and again, then I'm with GLib -- check the sharpness of the blades.
When we got our house, we planned to replace our tiny back lawn with a brick patio. One thing I told myself I'd never do as an adult is mow lawns. Being proud of your lawn is like the ultimate in Suburban Adult Lameness (either that or being really into golf).
But, we got a push mower from the local hardware store, and I can get our lawn mowed in under 10 minutes. I actually almost <b>like</b> mowing the lawn. Still: call the authorities if you ever hear me talking about fertilizer or grub control, though.
Also - if the grass is very overgrown (more than 6 inches long), you'll need to go over it a few times (even with nicely-sharpened blades) and rake inbetween rounds. And mowing wet grass is just asking for a headache.
I couldn't start my gas mower the last time I tried, and gave my electric weed eater to my brother last night since my one outdoor socket isn't working.