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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by rladew on 2004-09-13 19:44:42 +0000

Stevie Wonder redux

In that Hammer of the Gods book Im borrowing from Fournier, it talks about how one night Bonzo, John Paul, Page, and Plant dressed in drag and met George Harrison for dinner (some of the photos are on Houses of the Holy's die cut LP sleeve according to the book). So SW was sitting with Harrison, and Led Zep was very embarassed to be put in a Larry-David like situation where it would be intrepreted that Zep were goofing on Wonder's blindness... This book has really good stories.

Posted by tgl on 2004-09-13 19:47:20 +0000
Anyone own a "Curb Your Enthusiam" DVD? I need to check it out.

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