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Posted by tgl on 2004-09-13 19:59:54 +0000

Making Bunny Tuesday.

I got a hold of Matt Hanselman from 7pm until 11pm. I bet with enough leverage we could get him to make it Tuesday.

What should I do with this guy?

Posted by on 2004-09-13 21:01:05 +0000
7 to 11 tonight or tomorrow?

Posted by on 2004-09-13 21:05:58 +0000
Tonight. I'm postulating there's a chance I can steer him onto the porch at 3 Wadsworth tonight. Barring that, maybe we can get to the Model ~10pm.

I don't know, where should I bring the kid (currently) from Madison, WI who hasn't been in town for two years?

Posted by on 2004-09-15 01:59:40 +0000
Well, Bunny almost made it. I came back for good measure.

Posted by on 2004-09-15 05:29:28 +0000
It certainly was a good measure. Hell of a playlist.

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